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When Will woke up the next day and opened his curtains to a world of white he grinned to himself. Today was going to be a good day and he knew that his friends would make their way to the park which had the best place for sledging and where a lot of other kids would congregate for an epic snowball fight as well. He got dressed in his warmest clothes and put a few extra layers on to keep his mom from worrying about him and then he headed downstairs and grabbed some breakfast before heading out.

"I see your already to go out in the snow," his mom said.

"That I am, this is the first good amount we've had this winter and I'm going to make the most of it" he replied.

"All I ask of you is to be careful and if you start feeling too cold to come back or to go to one of your friends' houses to warm up, I don't want you to come down with a cold or something worse," his mom said with concern in her voice.

"I know mom, don't worry I'm not going to do anything stupid and I'll make sure I'll stay warm, my sled is still in the garage, right?" He asked.

"That is where you left it I believe, and I've certainly not moved it" his mom replied.

"Alright, thanks mom," he said, he finished his breakfast and gave her a hug and then went into the garage and found his sled. He got it out and then went upstairs, brushed his teeth and got the last of his stuff on including a big coat, hat, and gloves. Once he was ready he got his sled and headed out of the house and headed to the park. It didn't take him that long to get there and he saw that there were several kids already there making the most of the snow. Some were going down the hill on their own sleds whilst others had started a small snowball fight between themselves but wouldn't match the one they would do later. He started to head for the hill and then he spotted Lisa by herself, she had started rolling the snow to make a snowman and he turned towards her instead.

"Hey," he said which startled her but then she smiled when she saw it was him.

"Hey Will" she replied.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"Not too bad, what about you?" She replied.

"I'm good, you need any help?" He asked.

"Well I wouldn't want to stop you from using that sled of yours," she said.

"I can go sledging any time, making a snowman with you doesn't happen as often" he replied.

"That is most charming of you, how about this, you help me with this snowman and then we'll go sledging together," she said with a smile.

"That's a deal no one can refuse," he said.

"Alright you better start rolling a snowball then" she replied in a commanding voice. He snapped to and put his sled to one side and started doing so whilst she carried on with the ball she had already started. Whilst they were doing this they struck up a conversation about how their Christmas was and told each other what they got though it seemed to him that she didn't tell him about all that she received because of some embarrassment. He didn't push it any further as he liked talking to her and learning a little more about her and her home life. She wasn't very interested in gaming as he would have liked but he guessed that was the difference between boys and girls and what they liked to do in their free time. After twenty minutes or so they both had balls big enough to form the snowman and they worked together to set one on the other as he couldn't quite lift it by himself. She then rolled a smaller one for his head and he placed it on there and they put holes in it to represent his eyes and mouth as they didn't have anything to serve as such.

"Well that's one ok snowman and as promised I will go sledging with you," she said with a smile.

"Right this way then, my sled is just about big enough for the both of us but if we grow anymore it certainly won't be" he replied as he took her hand and led her up the hill. Even through the gloves, he could feel the heat of her body and her hand felt right in his though both of them grew red at the contact and he only held it for a minute or so. They got to the top of the hill where the others were going down and they waited their turn to go down. When it came she sat in front of him and held the rope whilst he held onto her. It was the closest they had been together for a while as she had once hugged him when they were younger, but this was different as they were now older and she felt different to him. They went down the hill and it was an exhilarating ride and they got a good amount of speed going down. At the bottom, they both laughed, and he unhooked himself from her to his regret.

"Well that was fun," she said with a smile.

"That it was, do you want to go again?" He asked.

"I think once was enough, thank you" she replied.

"Ok no problem, I'm guessing your not much of a snowball fighter either," he said,

"You would be correct, though I did use to do it, I'm not that interested in it now" she replied.

"That is fair enough, you do sometimes get hurt when you do it, especially if it's going to be as big as last time," he said.

"In that case, I shall probably head for home but you stay I can see that you want to get involved," she said.

"It won't start until this afternoon, I could always walk you home, maybe have lunch with you?" He asked hopefully.

"You are bold, luckily my dad will be at work and so won't tear you a new one for being with his daughter and my mom will be ok with it, I think" she replied.

"Ok, you best lead the way as I have no idea where you live," he said.

"Right this way, my good sir," she said and led him away from the park. It didn't take them that long to reach her house and as she said her mom was fine with having him come in and have lunch with them. She asked several questions of him whilst they ate lunch and certainly embarrassed Lisa by doing so but he didn't mind it so much as they weren't terrible questions that he had dreaded. Once he had eaten he thanked her for her hospitality and then headed out. Lisa saw him to the door and gave him a kiss on the cheek when they were out of sight from her mom and they both smiled, and they said they would see each other again soon.

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