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Chapter Thirty-Eight


~Violetta's POV~


Hearing the consistent, irritating buzz of my phone, I thought better of my attempt to sleep in, and made my way to turn off the continuous vibration.

Wait. I just realized; Where am I?

I was back home, lying on my bed. I sat up from my pillow and immediately felt dizzy. I got off the bed and tried standing up straight, but despite my laziness and the spinning sensation of the room, my vision was slightly blurry.

I stumbled over to the hallway and saw a faint blonde figure-who was most likely Angie- come up the stairs with a mug of coffee.

"A-angie? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me" She says with her sweet voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Erm... What happened?"

"You came into the house last night... Drunk..." She said raising her eyebrow at me.

"Oh... Heh... Yeah, about that..."

"Vilu! What were you thinking running away from the wedding to go to Ludmilla's party?"

"How did you know I went to Ludmilla's party?" I froze.

"Leon told me."

"L-leon? W-what?"

"He drove you to your house and dropped you off" She places her hand on one of her hip. "He said you passed out from Ludmilla's party and then after that, I had to carry you all the way up stairs!"

I hesitated to speak. I can't believe I was unconscious through all of that...

"Violetta, you shouldn't just go off and be missing! it really worries your father..."

"I'm sorry... Really sorry Angie..." I said nervously hoping she would stop lecturing me.

"I-It's okay" She calms herself and stares at the ground.

"Am I... In trouble?"

She lifts her head and sighs. "No, you're okay"

"Does my dad know?"

"He doesn't...He had a rough day of looking for you after the wedding was over so I told him he could rest and he slept it off" She explains.

"Oh" I said feeling a little guilty. "So... Are you going to tell him when he wakes up?"

"No... I'm not..."

"Really?" I was shocked. "Why?"

"I don't see the point in grounding you, you're just a teen, and you make mistakes, it happens... Plus everyone deserves a second chance, right?"

"Yeah... Thanks Angie" She manages a little smile. "... All this time, I've been spending hating you...but I feel like you're the only adult that actually cares about me"

"No problem Vilu, I will always be here to talk about any of your problems, okay?"

"Okay." I felt so stupid. I should have just tried to get along with Angie. It sucks to admit it but I've been such a selfish brat towards her... She's doesn't deserve that... She's a real person.

"Thanks again Angie" I try to be nice.

"No worries" She replies. We hear a door close at the end of the hall and spot my dad coming out of his bedroom in pajamas...



ok, I'm not gonna complain about chapters anymore😶


i'm gonna be *most likely* answering questions on my ask book, so please go ask me a question on there right now, I'll answer them sometime today 💖 I just have no ideas in my brain😕

Also, ViolettaUK suggested an idea (it was pretty much like a question) that I should write a chapter in that book on what my opinion of her book(s) is and if there was anything I thought she could improve?

So i thought this was a great idea, but I didn't really want to review anyone else's book without their permission (that would be kind of weird) so, only if YOU want me to review your book as well, then comment and tell me the title of one of your books (if it matters) *make sure i've read it and voted for it atleast a couple times*😬

If no one else wants to do it, I'll make sure to post my opinion on your book sometime later today, ViolettaUK .


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