Bad Timing

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Chapter Fifty-Nine


~Violetta's POV~


From observing Diego and Leon's behavior this morning, I could tell something occurred between them that I wasn't aware about.

I always knew boys could act confusing since I dated Alex, but nothing compared to this situation.

Diego was acting particularly polite today, and I was glad for his sudden change in personality. But even though he was being pleasing, I still didn't want him to change who he was. He shouldn't try to change himself for me, that's not what I want of him.

For the second time today, I realized Leon had been staring, which was shocking considering the fact he always had such a short attention span...

My mind instantly went back to remembering our conversation, the one that left me thinking of the possibility that Leon could like me. Maybe that's why we're so distant today. He could be feeling the exact same way as I am about it... confused and weirded-out.

I left my seat momentarily to retreat to the hallways- A safe, quiet spot for me to just think- Without having anyone there standing in front of me... Or so I thought.

"Violetta, are you okay?" A voice called causing me to turn around. My shoulders shrunk as Leon and Diego came to join me with worried looks on their faces.

I shut my eyes closed for a brief second, searching for some way to make this easy.

"I am fine, thank you both. I am just... feeling light-headed... So I need to take a break."

"I'll help you, it's probably just a little headache" Leon offered but Diego interrupted.

"It's okay Leon, go back into the classroom. Violetta needs my help."

The conversation got awkward- real fast

"You know what, both of you can help if you want, I really don't think it's that bad though." I interfere, making up an excuse to reduce the tension.

"Need water?" Leon asks.

"I'll go get you some water, Vilu." Diego says.

"What are you doing?" Leon pulled Diego by the arm faster than I ever expected. The looks they were giving on their faces were not pleasant whatsoever.

"Getting Violetta water, is there a problem?"

"Yeah, I said I would get her water, you just ignored me the first time"

"You asked if she wanted water, I'm getting her water-"

"You know what!?" I shouted gaining both of their attention. "I'm feeling better already!" They looked back at me with shock.

"Just forget it." I flared, slipping my way past them to head back to class.


~Federico's POV~


Through the doorway, a glimpse of her blonde locks attracted me towards the classroom. I let myself come close enough to be able to see, but not be seen.

Ludmilla sat on the edge of the stage strumming her dark guitar to an unfamiliar melody. She had to constantly look down at the frets as she wasn't fully sure of the notes she was playing.

Careful not to bother her, I knocked on the door with my knuckle a few times. She looked at me with the corner of her eye, barely lifting her head an inch.

"Um, hey" She said to me, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her visage hadn't changed even a little, from before she noticed me. Something about this surprised me. Had she really not been happy to see me?

"How are you?" I asked, leaning against the door. There was really no reason to go any where else.

"I'm fine." She answered, setting her guitar behind her. I waited for a while, wondering if I should take the opportunity to sit next to her now that there was a wide, empty space that could easily be filled.

"So I was wondering if we could talk about us" I blurted, immediately coming off as nervous- at least that's what I thought.

"Well, what is there to talk about?" She questioned. The way she said it was strange, almost harsh even.

"I don't understand this, Ludmilla" I shook my head. "Are you trying to pretend that there isn't anything there between us?"

"What... isn't there?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"A connection. An attraction. I don't know just- somethings there, it's been there since the beginning and we haven't been avoiding it until now" She stood up slowly, her eyebrows now knitted together in shock.

"Federico, I-" She started to speak, but I wouldn't let her.

"No Ludmilla, what happened? Seriously, tell me. You did see me walk in and all you did was just sit there- as if my effort to actually come here to talk to you was nothing..." I began, losing all my patience. I might as well get everything off my chest, now that it has partially come out out of my mouth. "And I shouldn't even be here anyway! I'm the one who should be angry at you! Not the other way around..."

I took a big breath before continuing- this time more calmly. "Look, I just don't know why you're acting like this... Ludmilla, I miss you"

"Federico, that's sweet." She whispered as the corner of her lips had slightly risen into a grin. The happiness and relief that came from hearing that only made her smile for a brief moment before she had something else to tell me.

"But I just can't feel the same way about you..." Her bright smile instantly fades. "It's been weeks since the fight we had... And I-I started seeing someone"

"You did?"

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry..." She apologized, rubbing the back of her neck. "But if I had known that you were going to come and say all of this to me-"

"It's okay, I'm not going to get involved with someone who's in a relationship..." I interrupted.

"Yeah... Thanks...I'm sorry again" she murmured looking away at her feet.

"No, it's not your fault.... Just bad timing" My voice trails off.

"Yeah" she nodded quietly.

"Whoever he is, he's lucky, Ludmilla"

"Thanks..." She said, picking up her guitar. "Erm... I have to go put this back in Beto's classroom, but I'll see you later Fede..."

"See you later, Ludmi."

She gave me one last smile before exiting the classroom, her blonde curls swaying as she walked. All I could help but think as I turned around and spread my arms over my head was Maybe it was better off like this.


aw Fedemilla :(

Can you guess who Ludmilla is dating?😶


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