"Yes. We will die happily by your hand!" Cho Dou answer without hesitation. His words never waver. The other two nodded.

"Even painfully?" Chun Zhiming face twisted as she grin. Her baby teeth was replaced by a row of sharp long teeths.

The three siblings did not flinch at all, their eyes still held that stubborn determination.

"Yes! Anything master choose, we will happily accept it!" Cho Dou said.

"Well..in that case.." Chun Zhiming childish voice slowly said, her twisted face went back to her beautiful one. The three siblings heart beat with tension.

The atmosphere went still.

"Ming Ming decided to choose to not kill you!" ...it's really weird to say 'not to kill you', Chun Zhiming thought with a playful bleh!

The three siblings look in stunned, does... doesn't that mean?!

"Does that mean you accept us as your slaves?!" Cho Dou happily say. Cho Lie was flush with excitement.

"Accept...I guess. But you must answer another question of my first okay mister..."

Realizing they haven't gave their name yet, Cho Dou immediately introduce themselves.

"This slave is Cho Dou, age sixteen. The one right next to me is my big sister Cho Lie, twenty years old. Than my eldest brother whose next to her is Cho Kai, twenty eight years old. He don't speak, but he is the power house of us three siblings. My sister is the brave one and I'm the intelligent one. Greeting master!"

"Greeting master!" Cho Lie follow-up cupping her fist while Cho Kai beat his chest.

"So..Cho, Cho, and Cho. Very confusing..hm I'm going to give you guys a new name okay! You skinny one will be little owl, and you girl will be little spider, and how can I forget my cute bear!" Chun Zhiming chirp out and pounce on Cho Kai, who was know as little bear, giving him a huge hug. The scene look very comical...it look like a baby panda hugging a tree since Chun Zhiming was to small compared to Cho Kai and his hight.

The bruly man body stiff, he hesitate at first than hold on to the child making sure she doesn't fall down. A sharp narrow eyes meet a round twinkling one.

Very... Bright.

Cho Kai look the other way with a suspicious red color at the tip of his ears.

Chun Zhiming beam, swinging her legs.

The other two at the side watch with shock and a bit of jealousy. How come they weren't hug? Should they be big and bruly as their big brother to get a hug from master?

"You two, come on! Give Ming Ming a big hug. Your my cute Owly and Spidey. Come on, come on give me a hug!" Chun Zhiming wave her arms at them while still in Cho Kai hold.

The two heart flush with happiness, their eyes lit up like a puppy,"Yes master!"

Both suddenly grabbed Chun Zhiming and hug her tightly, not wanting to let go: So soft!

Wait?! They're still stain with blood and dirt!

Immediately they let go.

"M-master we can't hug you as we are still dirty so please allow us to clean up first." Cho Dou back away looking ashame at himself, even Cho Lie subconsciously touch her face.

Dirty? Cho Kai thought looking down at himself from legs to arms. Need to clean. Those words came to his heart.

"Pfft-! It's okay, Ming Ming don't mind that you're dirty. I like hug! I also like eating. But I also like my Ao Ao and my big brother, my mama and papa sheep. Oh! I also like flowers and fluffy animal, although I sometimes eat them, only when I'm hungry though. I like milk too, and mostly I like killing!-" Chun Zhiming went on with her likes, her eyes shine as she blabber. Since she was lost in thought, she didn't know that she was going in circles and doing small twirls. She also seems to forgotten about the question she was going to ask earlier.

The three siblings watch. They stay quiet making sure to not interrupt her. A smile form on their face.

They will agree that this is the best day of their lives seeing their little master freely smile that not even the outside world can enter her little world.  

Than the thought of the corrupted dark world entering their master happiness caused them to frown. Being a slave have a perks; traveling and gathering information.

They have seen a tone of thing: kidnapping between families, beautiful woman a green tea b*tch, assassination, shrewd businessman, arrogant young Masters, none of the people they have seen were like their master ---- Carefree and insane.

No one laugh randomly like their master.

No one get lost in their own thoughts like their master even when the situation turned dangerous.

No one can stay beautiful and pure like their master after covering her hands in red.

No one shall touch their master...they'll make sure of it.

No one can match their master.

In their eyes, their master is the perfection between a human and a monster. She is a line to never cross and they were proud to have her as their master.

People can label them as a demon for following her, people can called them  ugly name and can look down of them but if they do that to their innocent master they'll make sure to ripped their eyes out and cut off their tongue.

The three siblings were dead set on following Chun Zhiming till death. They unconditionally worship everything she do.

In the future, Cho Dou, Cho Lie, and Cho Kai were a terror to the people that dare to defied Chun Zhiming.

The name: Mr. bear, Little Spidey, and Little Owly become a nightmare.

And the world better be prepared. The clouds rumble loudly.

The Insane Beauty: Wife, I'll Kill For You!!!Where stories live. Discover now