It was humiliating to think about, but each one of them, including Billy, asked if I was okay and said that they were concerned. Being a stranger to them, I was touched and explained that they happened, but not usually as bad.

Looking back on it now, I put it down to the stress of Mia, Sophie and Ed, ambushing me at the cafe. 

When Billy had approached, I didn't miss Zak stand a little closer to my side, almost in warning, or maybe he sensed the tension in my spine, worried about what he was going to say. That was until Billy apologised, but before he could go into a full scale apology, I gave him a hug and told him not to worry about. Yes it upset me, dragged up an insecurity but a single look at Zak after and seeing the relief and happiness on his face made it worth while.

The crew accepted me and that meant a lot. These guys were Zak's family, brothers and they had been through a lot together. They were supportive and understanding, a lot different from my friends it would seem. The crew didn't come armed with some case file on why I was the wrong woman Zak should be with. They accepted me for me, invited me to join in with their boys gaming night and then teased Zak when I outranked him.

After that, I made them food and made myself scarce. Just because I had been invited, didn't mean that I needed to stay and intrude the entire night.

Everything was perfect. Peaceful.
Amazingly wonderful.


When Zak wakes up, the first thing he does is look over his shoulder to check the weather. Usually we have sun but today it was raining and that brought him back down on the pillow.

"I'm not going to work today."

"Really? How come?"

"Because I want to stay here, all day, like this. With you." He sighs putting his head on my chest and letting me fluff up his hair.

We eventually get up after an hour of lazing about and make a start to the day, milling about the house, whilst keeping an eye on the weather, waiting for it to stop, so that we could walk Gracie.

Despite Vegas being built up out of the desert, when it rains... It really rains. For a comparison, I would put it to being like that scene from Holes, when the curse is finally lifted and it pours it down with rain.

The water comes down in sheets, and if you stand by Zak's front door, you can see the water running down the street as if it's a river.

"What do you do when it's like this?" He sighs, turning off the TV after flicking through it.

"Bake." I say looking up from another of his books. His collection is extensive and I love reading.

"Bake? Bake what?"

"Brownies, cookies, cupcakes, biscuits. Anything really."


I wait because I know he is thinking about it. Sure enough I get the questions. "So how do we make cookies again? I haven't made them in years."

Before I set the book down, I look at the page number, because dog tagging books is something I detest and I'm glad Zak shares the same distaste for it.

"So flour, baking powder, brown sugar, butter, eggs, chocolate chips-"

"Come with me." He says walking over to the couch and holding his hand out.

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