Shopping With Emiria #3: Subaru's New Phone

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Subaru and Emiria then gets out of the cafe after a good meal. Subaru and Emiria then decided to visit a grand opening outlet to buy some stuff like clothings and stuff. Good thing Subaru and Emiria brought enough moneys for those. But they seems to struggle in queue line.

Subaru: Emiria-Tan, i think it's kinda crowded here..

Emiria: Well.. Uhh.. Kinda... I think we should've visit an old outlet instead.

Subaru: Make sense.. It would be easy to get out of this outlet and find a new one

Emiria: Right.? Then why-

Subaru: DaGa KoToWaRu! (But I Refuse) because KoNo NaTsUkI sUbArU nIwA yUmE gA aRu! (I, Natsuki Subaru have a dream) and that is to conquer this outlet entrance!

Emiria: Eh?

Subaru: Alright Emiria-Tan! Once this crowd go off and it's open, hold my hand and run As Fast As Possible!

Emiria: Eh..

Store Announcement: Lugnica Outlet is open Now !!!

All the crowds starts running like crazy, Subaru and Emiria does that too, turns out they actually manage to get inside the outlet without harm. They then ran into an empty spot where not much crowd are in and starts looking around to discover the outlets.

Subaru: Wow.. Guess this outlet is Mall-like huh.? Well.. Let's get into the point!

Emiria: The point.?

Subaru: Alright Emiria-Tan. Let's set up a plan! Where do you wanna go first..?

Emiria: Do you have the map?

Subaru: Yep. I do. I took it when we actually ran into the outlet. There is a lady that gives the crowd maps of the outlets. Good thing i took some before it ran out.

Emiria: Oh, That's good. I'll have a look then.

Subaru: Here. *gives it to Emiria*

Emiria: okay... Let's try visiting the trader stop. Maybe you could try trading you're phone for goods.

Subaru: Okay! Let's goooo!

They both went to the trader stop. While the other crowds are visiting Taco Bell, Subway, Pizza Hut, Burger King, McDonalds, KFC, Nike store, Michael Kors, Jeep, Rolex, and any store name with high quality brands you guys can think of. But turns out Old Man Rom owns that trader stop.

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