"Anyway, I refuse to be bullied any longer, I'll let you guys go" Louis says "I'll text you later, Love you! Miss you!" He glows a kiss to the phone receiving them back.

Louis heads downstairs after a while, he knows Harry's probably busy outside since the past week Louis has been holding him back from getting a lot of work done but who can blame him?

He decides against going out and bugging him today to let him get caught up. Jenny is in the living room watching a show, the grand windows are open, a nice breeze coming through them.

"Hello" Louis says as he sits on the chair beside the couch.

"Hello dear, nice sleep?" She asks.

"Yes, it was good" he answers and then looks out the window. "Looks like such a beautiful day"

Jenny nods "it is, the breeze makes it bearable with the sun"

Louis hums in agreement.

"Someone was looking for you this morning, he came in around nine, I told him you were still sleeping" she explains grabbing her mug, probably tea.

"Oh shit, hopefully he's not like, mad" Louis says.

Jenny laughs "No sweetie, not at all, he was just curious is all"

Louis relaxes "oh good, I just didn't want to bug him today" he shrugs with a small smile.

"I don't think you would bug him, but understandable" she says, taking a sip. "He does have a job to do"

Louis cringes "I know, I'm sorry, I feel bad"

Jenny smiles over the lip of her mug "just as long as he gets it done, no harm done"

"He does, trust me" Louis gives her a smile. "Anyway, I'm going to sit on the deck and enjoy the sun" Louis hops up from the chair and heads towards the door.

He sits on the swing on the deck and gently swings back and forth. He sees Harry in the pasture with the horses. He's holding to a bucket of their water in his left hand. They keep nipping at him trying to get drinks and Louis can't help but laugh.

Harry finally notices Louis watching him and waves with his free hand. Louis waves back. Suddenly, Jasper shoves his head into the bucket while Harry's distracted and Harry loses his balance. Louis covers his mouth with his hand and sees the whole thing. Harry falls backwards onto his back and the water from the bucket fly's up and the water lands on top of him. Jasper let's out a loud neigh and Harry yells "fuck sakes Jasper!"

Louis gets up and runs towards the wooden fence and watches Harry slowly stand up, soaking wet. He stands on the outside of the pasture.

"Are you okay?" He asks watching Harry put his hat back on that slipped off when he fell. The older boy starts walking towards Louis.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think" he rubs the back of his head. Louis frowns when he reaches him.

"Need me to kiss it better?" He smiles and Harry blushes.


Louis leans over the fence and kisses him. His lips are chapped and wet from the water and Louis could care less. It's only a short kiss, unfortunately. "Better?" Louis asks.

"Much better" Harry says eyeing the smaller boy.

Louis notices a little dirt smudge on his cheek. "You have a little..." He licks his thumb and reaches to rub it. "There, good as new" Louis then lays his palm flat on Harry's cheek. Harry leans into the touch.

"Missed ya this morning" Harry then says.

"Oh yeah?" Louis hums, he then runs his hand to tuck one of his loose curls falling out of the hat behind his ear. It's oddly romantic.

I Ain't Gonna Fence You In • L.SWhere stories live. Discover now