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"Ha?! I was gone on suspension and those two broke up!?" Hajime asked in irritation since he did a lot for them and it feels like his efforts were wasted "Should I get them to sleep together again?"

"Ah.... supervisor... No.10 already got over No.11" Seitarou said "She was a mess before... she wouldn't eat and always cried but she's ok now and have been smiling like ever"

"What about no.11?" Hajime asked

Seitarou frowned "Well.. you see.. they were opposites.. no.11 was happy the first few days but recently ...he's been quiet"

(Cell 13)

"Isn't he happy that I'm back?" Jyugo asked as he pointed at Uno who was just looking stressed "Should I apologize more? Is he still angry?"

"No.. he's starting to get upset about the break up" Rock said

"He's been trying hard these few days but uh... Zara's new cell is actually a few doors from here and we can sometimes hear them talking" Nico said

"Who's them? Who's Zara with?" Jyugo asked

"It's Samon. The monkey guard from building five" Rock said "When we heard them talk and giggle... that seemed to be the point where Uno's mood went down'

"I don't get it. Why did they break up?" Jyugo asked

"I don't know" Rock said "Me and Nico have been avoiding asking him since he can get pretty sensitive about it"

"...He really loves her huh?" Nico said

"He put her through so much then had a few happy moments then hurt her again. Isn't he just being a player?" Jyugo asked

"I... don't think so.." Rock looked at Uno who was sitting down while leaning on a wall. Uno sighed and tried to listen on the conversation of the guards which was now Hajime and Samon

"I'm going to go to the warden first and ask" Hajime said "Personally I'm tired of their on and off relationship and trying to fix it so I don't care if she goes with you but you know that you need a valid reason for her move and not just because she had a heartbreak"

"I know. I'll handle that. Thanks gorilla" Samon said

"Whatever. I don't know if I'll get approval yet" Hajime said as he left to go to the warden

"Supervisor! You're here again! Hahahaha!" Yamato greeted him as he walked by

"Where are you going? Are you lost?" Samon asked

"No sir. I'm going to train cell 13 today since no.15 just arrived! It's a celebratory training!" Yamato said then looked at Samon who had keys to Zara's cell "You're going to no.10? No.11's ex?"

"Don't say it like that!"

"She's popular huh? She got no.634 before. Then no.11. And now you" Yamato said

"No.634?" Samon asked

"I've heard it from Supervisor Kenshirou. He said they were highschool lovers but ended up mutually with no hard feelings" Yamato said

"Oh" Samon sighed in relief "I see"

"So did she say yes?" Yamato asked

"W-what?! Are you kidding!? I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend!... yet! B-but hey! We're a bit harder cause I'm a guard a-and she's an inmate you know! T-this is a bit inaapropriate Yamato!" Samon blushed and crossed his arms "It's a bit of a challenge I guess b-b-but I don't really back down... on challenges..."

"........I was reffering to her transfer to your building sir! I just wanted to know if she said yes when you asked if it was ok!" Yamato said

".....You should've told me in the first place!"
"Uno?" Jyugo asked "You ok?"


"I'm super flattered" Uno said as Zara confessed to him "Of course I'd be your boyfriend cutie"

"Really?" Zara smiled

"But come on. You were already the first one to approach me and pay for our date then you confess first? You're making me feel like a trashy guy" Uno said

"If you asked me I'd say yes anyways" Zara said

"Alright fine you beat me there. And I know I'm a bit bad at promises but I'll at least promise to make you the happiest girl alive!" Uno said "No way that's gonna change even if we had a fall out!"


"That monkey is good" Uno said as he listened on their conversation "That monkey will make her happy... and loved too... I don't think he's the type to break promises... I've broken a lot"

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