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It was now sleep time for the inmates, Zara slept near the wall at the opposite side of the room farther from the boys. In the middle of the night, Uno went close to her, he kneeled down and stared at her, he frowned in sadness,guilt, and pity for her.. he was practically at fault for even saying stuff in the letter.. forgetting that she would do anything for him.. after a while he bend down and kissed her cheek, Zara squirmed around slightly and smiled "Uno.."

Uno got starled and blushed.. who knew he could still be part of her dreams knowing that she might hate him...

"Wh-what? I- I can't walk anymore?" She asked the doctor

"I'm sorry, we've tried everything, you're fine now, but your legs... there's no way... you will have to use a wheelchair from now on" The doctor said "But you must still come over for treatments, you still have a few damages on the bones on your rib"

".....NO! Why?!..." She cried furiously

Uno stood outside the room, he heard and saw everything through the window "...Zara..."

He shrugged that memory away and shortly after he went back to his futon


"Morning call everybody, no.10" Hajime said

"Here" She said, just brushing her hair

"No.25"  Hajime said

"Haha" Nico laughed in his sleep

"Stop laughing and wake up" Hajime said "No.62"

"Yeah here" Rock said with some bedhead

"Fix your hair" Hajime said "No.11"

"Yeah.... Here" Uno said as he sat in a corner and watched Zara attempting to go up to her wheelchair, soon Rock helped her up, and Nico fixed her futon for her

"....." Hajime looked at him not knowing what to say about him "no.15"


"He went out" Uno said

"Shit!" Hajime ran and tried finding him

"Zara chan! Let's go to Dr. Okina! Maybe he'll have something for you!" Nico said

"..ok" Zara said, Nico pushed her wheelchair out after unlocking the door, before leaving Zara glanced sadly at Uno

"Hey" Rock said as he sat next to Uno "I thought she's your girlfriend..."

"*sigh* Yeah....She is" Uno answered

"Why the attitude?"

"None of your bussiness..." He said then suddenly got up "Come on let's find Jyugo!"

Nico and Zara came back from their treatment, Zara just had a physical checkup

Then Jyugo was thrown back by Hajime while Uno and Rock followed "Stay there!"

".....you guys wanna escape?" Jyugo smirked after Hajime left

"I'm with you!" Rock stood up

"Don't forget me!" Nico said

"...Uno...Zara... You coming?" Jyugo asked awkwardly as the tension between the two is.. different

".....I'll go" Uno said due to not wanting to be in a closed space with an awkward silence with Zara... because his decision Zara pushed herself forward to join but Uno stopped her with by putting his hand up "Stay.... don't follow us"

Zara reluctantly stopped and looked down "...be careful.." Uno didn't want to glance back so he was the first to leave with the others following


"Hey Uno, shouldn't you uh...  make her happy? Kiss her? Hug her? Act like a boyfriend?" Jyugo asked with Nico and Rock nodding

"The way I treat her is none of your bussiness" Uno said with such coldness in his voice


"Huh?" Hajime walked near cell 13 and found the door open with Zara inside"no.10?! Where are the others?!"

"...*sigh*..." Zara sighed not hearing Hajime

Hajime the looked to what she was looking at, and spotted Uno's magazines, because of the awkward tension, Hajime decided to just look for them himself and leave Zara alone

(Time skip)

Hajime eventually captured them and threw them in the cell, Zara pushed herself near Uno and tried going down "Uno! Are you-"

Uno quickly stood up and dusted himself "I'm fine"

"...I'm glad..." Zara smiled sadly

"....oh and uh... You will have a new inmate, come in no.99" Hajime said. A small gust of tornado came in suddenly, Uno flinched and looked at Zara to see if she was ok, luckily, Jyugo and Nico were already holding her wheelchair just in case

"Greeting" The tornado disappeared, revealing a man "I am Tsukumo or no.99"

"Japanese Ninja!" Nico, Rock, and Uno said, Uno unconsiouslly said it since he was too excited

"Oh!" Tsukymo spotted Zara "What beauty! Such lovely fragnace! Most enchanting maiden I have ever seen! May I get your name?"

Uno glared at Tsukumo, though he didn't seem to notice

"Uh... Zara"  She said

"Zara... oh what a lovely name, escape with me! And we shall live a wonderful life!" Tsukumo said

"Oh.. thank you but I already have a-" She was cut off by Tsukumo

"Surely they have made a mistake putting you here, be my lady and I shall make you happy for eternity! Let us leave this place!" Tsukumo held her hand and was about to kiss her

"Tsk!" Uno slapped his face away before he could kiss Zara's hand "... She's my ...girlfriend.."

"... you sure don't act like it... Zara.. how awful you must feel, why not come to me?" Tsukumo asked bluntly

"You-!" Uno was about to punch him but luckily Zara held his hand gently telling him to stop

"Sorry Tsukumo... no matter what... I will always belong to Uno.." She said, Uno blushed slightly and looked away, forgetting that they were still holding hands

"You sure? He seems like a playboy" Tsukumo asked

"Wha-! JERK! Y-" Uno is once again held back by Zara tugging his hand slightly, he glanced at her and saw her giving him a smile... a beautiful smile that just makes his heart beat loudly.. the smile she made, managed to make him stop

"I'm 100% positive" Zara said confidentlly

"....I'm sorry" Tsukumo bowed, it was just on a whim anyway, not like they dated so he wasn't hurt

"It's fine..." Zara said

"It's actually kinda cute" Jyugo said in chibi mode, giving Uno a 'That's it bro' look

"What?" Uno tilted his head

"They're holding hands!" Nico said fanboying

Uno looked at his other hand and saw that his hand was still holding hers, their fingers intertwined, he's holding her hand for the first time in forever.. it still feels the same.. the warmpt that he used to love was there, he would love to keep holding it.. but he can't... so he hesitantly pulled away "tch!" Uno said. Zara looked at him and smiled sadly, her hand still suspended where Uno pulled away. The others looked at Zara then Uno, and feel sorry for both of them, who on earth is going to make the Uno snap out of it!?

Zara: Uno's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now