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"No.10" Yamato opened her new cell "You'll be staying here today until Supervisor Samon gets his approval. The warden said that she still needs to talk to Supervisor Hajime about it after his suspension"

"Thank you Yamato" Zara smiled at Yamato "....And I'm sorry... your efforts were wasted.."

Yamato smiled "As long as you feel ok then it's fine!"

"I am. Thank you Yamato"

Yamato went out of her cell and locked it. As soon as he did that though, he heard crying from inside. Zara doesn't want anyone to see her like that and Yamato gives her the privacy. He sighed as he went to walk back to the office

(Zara's flashback)

"Uno" Zara walked in her apartment and saw Uno playing with his cards "What are you doing? Are you planning to go to the casino again?"

"No. Of course not!" Uno chuckled as he hid the cards

"You're going to get caught if you keep that up" Zara said as she sat on the couch and placed her bag down

"Pfft! Me? Get caught? No way!" Uno sat next to Zara and gave her a kiss on he cheek "I ain't gonna leave my girlfriend~ How was university anyway?"

"It was ok. But I should probably get a part time job" Zara said "I can't keep depending on the money my parent's left behind"

"Oh come on~ just use the money I earned" Uno said as he pointed at a vault "We share it"

Zara sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder "I'm not using that Uno. You can use it for emergencies but that's it"

"Aw~ I have enough money to buy you clothes and you don't even use it. I want to spoil you too" Uno patted her head

"You're already spoiling me with your love and care. I couldn't ask for more" Zara yawned "...If I would... maybe stop looking at other women?"

"I'm just looking at their clothes. I stopped flirting when I met you" Uno hugged Zara "I'm lucky to have you after all! I could never imagine breaking up!"

(Flashback end)

"I can't believe this...." Zara sighed as she wiped her tears off her eyes and laid down on the bed to stare at the ceiling

(Next day)

Zara woke up and heard people  already talking. From the window in her room she could see that it was a little bit past morning now. She wondered why the guards didn't do a morning call on her or even ask her to go to breakfast. But she didn't mind anyway, she'd want time alone

"By the way" Kenshirou said while he accompanies cell 13 to the clinic "Is that girlfriend of no.11 still in the clinic by the stadium?"

"Nah" Uno said as he acted normally "We broke up. And Yamato placed her in another cell"

"...I see" Kenshirou said. He wondered if he should bring her to his building for a cool down but Musashi is still in the underground cell plus he dowsn't know if it's a good idea to bring her to her ex and he really shouldn't pry in her business

"Hah? You broke up?" Kazari asked as she entered the room "And here I was gonna ask you to bring her here. I'm thinking of doing something about that problem of hers"

"No.10... uh.. I got you lunch" Seitarou said as he opened her cell door but she was crying under the covers of her bed "Uh... I'm sorry"

"N-no... I'm sorry you have to see this.." Zara said " ...I'm not hungry Seitarou... thank you though.."

Seitarou still placed the tray of food near her futon "You should eat no.10... I'll uh... get going now" Seitarou exited her room and sighed. He passed by cell 13 as well but Uno was acting normal though. While Rock and Nico were a bit confused

Zara: Uno's LoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora