Chapter 24- Till' i collapse

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September 11, 2001

After less then 10 minutes the car stopped and I couldn't stop crying. I heard he opened his door and a wave of huge fear hit me. My heart feels like it's going to fall out of my chest cause it's beating so fast. He opened the truck and see me laying there with all my makeup ruined cause of the tears.

"Now we can do this nicely and get into the house. Or in the rough way where I pull you in" he said and I'm not gonna mess with him cause I know what he's capable of. I get out of the truck and he close it. I instantly ran when he turned the car off. It was so stupid but I was just so scared...

"Help someone plea-" I screamed but I felt something hitting my head and I passed out.


I open my eyes and a strong pain comes from the back of my head. I open my eyes more and see it's day time and try to get up but I can't move my arms. I look up and see myself tied to bed. I'm freaking out right now but then I hear laughs. I look behind me and see James sitting in a chair with a glass in his hand.

"You ain't getting away" he said and drank from the glass. I roam the room now and all those bad memories hit me.

"You're a sick man." I said with tears in my eyes. He didn't reply. "What do you want from me?" I whispered

"You think you can get over me that easily?" He said and I frown at him

"What are you talking about" I'm literally shaking from the amount of fear

"I saw you in the papers. Saying you with Eminem." He said and I didn't look at him "yeah it's you isn't it. They maybe didn't say it was you but I knew it was" he got up from the chair "you ruined my life. Cause of you Lisa left me!" He yelled and shuddered the glass on the wall.

"She deserve to know what a sick guy she's dating!" I yelled back he took a belt he had on the chair and hit me in the stomach. I screamed from the pain.

"You gon get what you deserve for ruining my fucking life!" He yelled and hit me again. I'm crying and whimpering from the belt and he doesn't stop. He hits me again and again and again and again at least 30 times until he stopped. I hold on the the fabric he tied me with from the extremely horrible pain.

"Why are you doing this" Im crying and my voice cracked he took the belt and hit me again 5 hard times

"Because you don't get to have your perfect life with the famous rapper while you ruined mine." He said and walk off

"well you get what you deserve" I said and he turned around "for all the times you beat me and the times you cursed me out" and I take a deep breath cause the pain is too much "and for all the times you raped me"

"I didn't rape you bitch. You didn't want to yes. But I found a way to make you moan all the time and I gave you pleasure." He said and I looked at him with disgusted face "maybe I should do it now!" He said and walked up to me

"No no" I screamed and the pain on my stomach got worse. He got up on me and I  tried to kick him off but I was too weak. He ripped my shirt off reviling my bra and he took the bra off. He gave my stomach a punch cause I was fighting him. I screamed from pain and he took my pants and panties off. He took another fabric and tied my legs. " I'm begging you James please don't do this " I said power less he took his shirt off and placed it on my mouth

"No noo-" I screamed but he covered my mouth and I couldn't talk just make sound so I kept on screaming but I knew nobody's going to hear me. He took his pants off and boxers and he started kissing my neck while I whimpered. I'm crying so bad and I feel so exhausted and in so much pain I don't know what to do. I don't! I'm just begging someone will come help me. I feel him pushing himself in me and I cry even harder. I tried as much as I can to push him but he holds me in place. He slammed so hard and he holds my stomach which cause me unexplainable pain. I feel myself getting weaker and weaker from any of his trusts. It's getting too much and my body is starting to drift off and I pass out.

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