Chapter 56- Bang

247 3 1

April 20, 2005


So it's been 2 months since Marshall proposed to me and things haven't been the best...we fight, a lot, mostly about his jealousy but a lot cause we're so pissed about the fact that we don't see each other as much as we used to. When I have free time he needs to be at work and when he got free time I need to be at's a living hell not being able to see him so much but we don't have any other option..marshall usually the one who picks up a fight and I hate that he always bring this subject up.. there's nothing we can do about it, what does he expect me to do? Give up my job?
His mood swings got even worst than they used to be..I don't know what the hell is up with him lately and I don't even wanna start talking about it cause I know where it's gonna lead. We currently don't speak to each other..AGAIN! He just acting stupid and childish. Last night I had free time and I wanted to have a girls night with Emma cause I didn't see her at all this last month and marshall gave me shit about being with her, when I have the time to be with him...stupid I know...but yeah I'm not gonna say sorry. He's the one who should apologize.

It's 9pm and I have free time today as well so to make up on the drama we had last night emma and I decided to go clubbing. I put on this two piece outfit a top and a little skirt with a zipper in the front (like In the picture)

 I put on this two piece outfit a top and a little skirt with a zipper in the front (like In the picture)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I know it's a little showy but whatever I don't wanna think about it too much... I just put on black heels and do my regular makeup.
Emma is already at the club cause one of her friends is there so she took off before me but I'm getting out of the house now. Marshall is calling me. But I don't pick up. He's calling again and I still don't pick up.

On my way to the club marshall called me a couple of time and I didn't answer. And now he's starting to text me but i still don't open the message. I go inside the club and look for Emma. When I see her she's with some guy there. She never told me it's a guy friend. I walk up to them and kiss Emma on the cheek

"Hey babe" she said

"Hey what's up" I said back with a smile

"Naomi I want you to meet blake" she said and I looked at him. So Emma type. Light skin green eyes and tall. I smiled at him and stuck my hand out to shake his

"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile and he gave me one in return

"Nice to meet you too" he said and I order a drink with no alcohol "why no alcohol?" He asked me

"I don't drink alcohol anymore" I said with a smile

"Why" he asked and I looked down

"Kinda personal" I said and now Emma told us she's going to take some air outside. I can't help but feel Blake's gaze on me and I look at him. "What?"

"Nothing" he said and got a little closer to me "you just looking really hot" he said and I frowned

"Thanks I guess" I said and tried to shrug it off

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