Chapter 24

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~ 17th March 2020 ~

Neil sits on his sofa, head in his hands. Even though he knows Katya's disappearance isn't down to him, he can't help but feel like he's somewhat failed her. After all, they spent so long together, of course he wants her to be safe; Lord know how Luba's feeling.

Thinking of Luba, neither him or Nadiya know where Luba went after her panic yesterday. They just hope that she went home or at least somewhere safe. They'd never forgive themselves if something happened to her, losing one loved one is traumatic enough. Maybe they should've gone after her.. they thought that she'd be okay, but he's regretting that assumption.

But then again, every negative outcome has been circling his mind - it isn't just where Luba is. Out of his whole life, this is the worst thing to ever happen to Neil; the same goes for Luba, Nadiya, and most of the strictly family. After all, nothing is more tormenting than having no idea if one of your best friends is dead or alive.

No matter how hard he tries, Neil simply can't shake the idea that it's his fault. Although, deep down, he knows that he couldn't have prevented this - it doesn't stop him from thinking it though.

On top of blaming himself, Neil can't stop thinking about the possibility that Katya's own patents know something. Of course, he's perfectly aware that they'd never hurt her, but if they're keeping information from the police, he would never forgive them; especially if that information could tell them where Katya actually is.

That's another thing which is keeping Neil up at night; surely Katya's family would be the people who would do literally anything to bring her home, not jeopardise it. Every part of this is confusing - but there's no question that he wants answered more than where Katya is. If that part can be solved; he's more than happy for the rest to remain a mystery.

Snapping him back into reality, someone begins knocking at his door repeatedly, almost aggressively. Taken aback, he answers the door to a frantic looking Nadiya, who storms straight in; she was clearly in a state, but he couldn't tell about what. Plus, Nadiya has remained the calm one thus far, it takes a lot to see her like this.

"You're gonna have to pack a case.." she says, short of breath.
"Pack a case?" Neil questions.
"It's Luba!"
"Luba..? Wait, she left the fucking country?!"
"No! I mean.. maybe? Not yet.. come on." She stumbles, grabbing Neil's arm and making him sit back down to hear the news.

Thankfully, Luba did go home yesterday; but she did something once she got there that's sent Nadiya into complete shock.

After Neil revealed what he thought about Tatiana's blow up at the police station, Luba went into a spiral. By the grace of God, she decided to phone Nadiya about it before anything too crazy happened; but nothing about this is anywhere near normal.

"Luba went home yesterday." Nadiya states.
"Thank God.."
"And she booked a flight to fucking Russia!" she explains. "When you told her about what Tatiana said, she became convinced that Katya's over there for some reason."

Neil's mouth practically drops to the floor. Luba's gone to Russia?! How do you even get flights that late notice?! He instantly feels nervous for her; Luba spent the first 16 years of her life in Russia before leaving for Italy, it isn't that she'll be unfamiliar with the place. His worry comes from a place of knowing how fragile her mind is.

"Wait.. why do I need to pack a case?" Neil asks.
"She booked two plane tickets.. she wanted me to go with her, but I have Mila to look after.. I really, really don't want her going alone.." Nadiya half pleads.

At this point, both friends know just how stubborn Luba can be; if she's got her mind set on going to Russia, go to Russia she bloody well will. But regardless of determination, Luba's still a terrified woman who's willing to do literally anything to bring the love of her life back, even if it causes herself harm. They both know that letting her face Russia alone is a really bad idea.

"Flight leaves in four hours, maybe try catching up with her at the airport?"
"Nadiya, do you have any idea how insane this is? What's even the plan when we get there? Just proposing Katya is in Russia, it's bloody huge, it's not narrowing anything down!" Neil rants.
"Look, I agree with you. But wether you go or not, we both know that Luba will. Do you honestly think it's safe for her to be by herself when she's so desperate?" Nadiya reasons.
"I'M desperate! I'm bloody desperate too!" He tears up.

Nadiya sighs. She understands where he's coming from - but they both know that it's different. As much as they love Katya, Luba is in love with her, and those are two very separate things; something Neil understands better than anyone. But Nadiya couldn't be more right - letting her go alone would simply be dangerous - and as Neil thought earlier, losing one loved one is hard enough.

"Please Neil.. neither of us will forgive ourselves if she gets hurt.."
He takes a deep breath, pondering over what to do. "I.. okay, I'll go.." he finally agrees. "The fuck am I doing..?"

Nadiya throws her arms around Neil as a thank you. The only reason she can't go herself is because of her little girl, she obviously has to come before anything else. But there was no way that she was about to let Luba travel without someone who'd look after her. Besides, Katya's family know Neil, and that might help to a certain degree.

"I'll phone you a taxi, just throw some clothes into a bag.." she instructs, taking her phone out.

Still flustered, Neil walks into his bedroom and does as told. This was just mental.. he woke up this morning wanting to hide under the covers and not leave the house, but it turns out that he's leaving the country with 4 hours notice. The world seems to always turn out funny that way..

And even though he's a little scared.. part of him is glad that he's going. It might be slim, but there's a chance that they'll find something out about Katya. So it must be worth.

At least be worth something.

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