Chapter 15

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~ 12th March 2020 ~

Neil and Nadiya sit next to each other during one of their last promo days for the professionals tour. The blonde dancer was running her hands through her hair obsessively; she's never felt so guilty in all of her life. Attempting to calm her down, Neil was resting his hand on her back. In his mind, they had nothing to feel guilty about - but he completely understands why Nadiya feels this way.

"What if we're wrong? What if it's nothing?" She says, taking shallow breaths.
"Nadiya, if it's nothing, then they'll let her go.."
"Maybe, but that doesn't mean she'll forgive us! I don't know if I'd even forgive myself.."

Granted, both of the friends would do anything to get Katya back, or at least get answers as to what happened. But Nadiya couldn't feel worse about the way they've gone about it.

After she noticed all of Katya's things at Luba's place, her first instinct was to barge into Neil's apartment and tell him about what she saw. Between them, they decided to go and tell the police; since Luba had pictures, it's not as though Luba could deny it. Even if Luba doesn't have direct involvement with how Kat vanished, she definitely knows more than she's letting on. And if they have any hope of seeing Katya again, they have to do everything they possibly can - even if that means selling out one of their best friends.

But this was all driving Nadiya absolutely crazy. No matter how much she wants someone to blame, not a single part of her can envision Luba ever hurting anyone. She's being very serious - if Luba turns out perfectly innocent, she'll never forgive herself. Yes, Neil has a point; they need to know why so much of Katya's things were in Luba's flat. But it doesn't stop her from feeling like a terrible friend.

"I really don't think she'd hurt Katya.." Nadiya says, hiding her face in her hands.
"I don't think so either.. but I think she's keeping something from us." Neil replies.
"Look at how she's been since Kat went missing... she's the most upset out of anyone, why would she stop us from finding her?"
"Maybe she's not upset. Maybe she feels guilty.."

Nadiya sighs. As much as she hates to admit it, Luba having involvement is the only theory that adds up. Besides having so many of Katya's things, everything else seems to convince them more. Besides, Luba generally seems to be alot more secretive than she ever has been before. It's an awful thing to think about, but Luba being a culprit in some form was becoming more and more likely.

Then, the worst happens. Luba walks up to the pair and sits down next to them. As always, she's looking somber.

"Hey guys.." she says, her mood obviously deflated.
"Luba..?" Neil asks. "Shouldn't you be..?"
".... be what?" She questions, feeling confused.

The police clearly hadn't been in contact with Luba as of yet. But that makes this so awkward.. do they tell her about what they've done? Or do they just pretend as though nothing's happened? Despite the chance that she's done something dodgy, she's still their friend, and she's definitely still vulnerable. They have to play this carefully.

"Are you okay..?" Luba says, still wondering why they're acting so strange.
"I'd be better if Katya was still here." Neil says abruptly, his anger towards Luba spilling out sightly.

Nadiya sighs. She looks in Luba's eyes and can instantly tell how hurt she is by that. At first, it might seem like a general statement, but Neil's tone was enough to signify that it was directed specifically at Luba. While Nadiya went to the police station too, she refuses to fully believe that Luba's the villain until she sees hardcore evidence proving so. Granted, what was in her flat could be considered evidence.. but not strong enough on its own.

"I want Katya back too.." Luba whimpers.
"Do you?" Neil questions sternly.
"What..? Of course I do.. how can you even say that..?" She asks, becoming very emotional.

Nadiya, feeling incredibly sorry for Luba, takes her by the hand and pulls her to the corner of the room, away from Neil. Soon enough, Luba was going to get a phone call from the police, accusing her of potentially hurting someone... and while it was partly down to Nadiya, she couldn't bare to see Neil lay into her that way, even if it was somewhat justified.

The two women hug. Any day now, Luba would be in a police station, being put through maybe hours of questioning. The least Nadiya can do is look after her now, not that it stops her from feeling guilty about the whole situation.

"Why is he so upset with me..?" Luba asks, tearing up on her friend's shoulder.
"Because.. because... I don't know, sweetheart." Nadiya answers, chickening out of telling her the real reason. "I think we're all just very on edge."

Pulling away, Luba takes a deep breath. What has her life come to..? It feels as though she'll never escape from this - nothing will ever make her feel happier ever again. Whenever she was upset, Katya's smile would always make her feel brighter.. but that's not possible anymore, and she was on the verge of snapping completely. Especially now that Neil seems to have something against her.

Suddenly, a woman bursts in through the door; she was only small in stature, but her entrance gained all of the professional's attention.  Making Nadiya's heart sink, there were two policemen following behind her.

Luba wasn't sure why police were here with her, but she recognised the woman to be Katya's mother, Tatiana.. why on earth was she here?

Tatiana strides over to Luba, her eyes are narrow and she seems almost hateful.. but Tatiana didn't even know who Luba was? Something very serious was about to happen, but Luba has no idea what it could be? Seeing police officers in general scares a lot of people, let alone in a situation like this. Besides, everyone's emotions were so heightened, something regularly scary feels unbelievably terrifying.

"Where's my little girl?" Tatiana asks, looking directly into Luba's eyes.
"Wha.. what?" She replies, feeling overwhelmed.

One of the policemen steps between them, and does his best to look comfortingly at the young woman; not that it particularly works, Luba's petrified out of her mind and nothing could calm her down.

"None of us want to do this in front of everyone.. come on, we'll step outside." He says.
"Can I take Nadiya with me..? Please.."

Despite the policemen seeming nice enough - if she went on her own, she'd feel as though there were three people against her. At least, if she had Nadiya there with her, she wouldn't be entirely alone. Of course, Nadiya wants to be there for her friend. But she knows exactly why the policemen want to talk to Luba.. and she feels like a complete fraud, being there for her when it's because Nadiya that this is even happening.

All of the five people walk outside together, Luba tightly holds Nadiya's hand, needing the reassurance from her.

Once they were away from everyone else, and able to have the conversation in private, one of the policeman sigh. After only 2 minutes of knowing Luba, he can sense how vulnerable she is; this was going to break her, and everybody knew that. The saddest part is that she doesn't even know what's going to happen, herself, yet.

"Luba Mushtuk.." The taller policeman says.
"We're arresting you on suspicion of being connected to the disappearance of Katya Jones. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be given in evidence, something that you later rely on in court" he announces, taking her by the arms.

Overwhelmed with panic, Luba begins to cry, grabbing hold of Nadiya.

"Nadiya, tell them! Tell them! You know I wouldn't hurt anyone!" She begs.
"Oh Luba.. Luba, I'm so sorry.. I didn't think it would happen like this.." Nadiya cries.
"You knew?!"

The police officer tightens his grip around the young woman's arm and and begins to drag her towards their car, Tatiana looking at her with little to no emotion.

Still balling her eyes out, Nadiya runs back inside over to Neil and wraps her arms  around him, crying onto his chest. She couldn't believe what had just happened.. one of her best friends just got arrested.. and it was all her fault..
Obviously, Neil wasn't there when the situation happened, but he can take a pretty good guess as to what Nadiya's so upset about.

"What have we done Neil..? What've we done..?" She asks, still crying.

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