Chapter 19

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~ 13th March 2020 ~

"I broke her heart, Nadiya.. I never heard from her after that.. I thought she was trying to punish me and I wouldn't blame her but what if she was in danger all this time? What if I let her get hurt..?" Luba says crying.

Nadiya holds onto her friend's hand tightly - she completely understands both sides of Luba and Katya's fallout. But more importantly, she fully understands how in love the pair were. You can't be that deeply in love with someone without a few heartbreaks along the way; being engaged herself, that's something Nadiya gets. But regardless on the reason Katya left the apartment that night, it wasn't Luba's fault that she went missing.

To be truthful, there isn't much, if anything, that Nadiya could say to make Luba stop blaming herself. The only way Luba can see things is that Katya left because she told her to leave, and if that never happened, maybe they'd still be together now.

At first, she believed Katya had cut off contact with her on purpose, a way of teaching her a lesson. But after realising that she wasn't in contact with anyone, Luba instantly realised that something must've been seriously wrong. Katya was a social butterfly - it makes sense to ghost someone you're pissed off with, but ghosting absolutely everyone?

Obviously, she was doing all she could to find out where Katya could be. If only she was brave enough to be open about their relationship in the first place, this could've been avoided. After all, she wasn't imagining her coming out experience to happen in a police station, crying her eyes out. But there was absolutely nothing pointing towards where Katya could've gone. Luba wasn't lying when she said there was nothing useful in Kat's diary, it genuinely was mostly filled with fashion and outfits - the exception being when she wrote about their relationship, those being the pages she tore out.

As Luba was explaining all of this to Nadiya, the blonde dancer was seeing how all the pieces fit together; All of her unanswered questions were beginning to make sense. Granted, their relationship wasn't something she saw coming, but she doesn't doubt it for a second. Any fool could see how in love Luba was, not to mention how heartbroken she is over being without her girlfriend. Deep down, Nadiya knew that Luba wouldn't harm a soul - but she also knew that she was keeping part of the truth from everyone. In a weird way, she's glad that her and Neil went to the police. After all, it's what eventually led Luba to come clean.

"Honey.. it sounds like Katya adored you too.. I don't think she's gone just to prove a point." Nadiya says.
"I don't think so either.. but I'd almost prefer it. It'd break me if she didn't want me anymore.. but at least I'd know she was safe.."
"And that just proves how much love you have for her.."

Luba couldn't appreciate Nadiya being there for her. Even when they suspected her as the villain, she still looked after her and made sure she wasn't alone. That's a sign of a true friend. When she looks at her life, Luba really did feel lucky to have all she does; a wonderful career, amazing friends; someone she's so in love with. Not that this situation is particularly lucky. In fact, it's anything but. However, having someone as kind as Nadiya by her side helped to keep her hope alive.

"Does Neil know you're here..?" Luba asks, wiping away her tears.
"No.. but I promise, the moment I leave, he'll be the first person I go to.. I'll tell him all of this."
"Thank you.. I just want my life back, Nadiya.. I want to be dancing with my friends and be going home to the woman I've fallen for.." she pours her heart out, getting teary again.
"Hey, hey.. don't talk like that, you'll upset yourself again." Nadiya states. "We will find her.."

Composing herself, Luba takes a deep breath. She knows that Nadiya is right, about upsetting herself anyway. As for finding Katya.. she has to convince herself that it's possible, or she would never be able to hang on. There's nothing she wouldn't do to hug Katya again.. as long as she's safe, she can live. The thought of her being hurt is too much to think about it.

"Have you told the police all of this?" Nadiya asks, not letting go of Luba's hand.
"Not yet, they're going to question me later today.."
"You are going to tell them, right..? I know it's scary but if it helps our chances of finding her.."
"I promise you, Nadiya. By the end of today, the police will've heard everything I've just told you."

Nadiya smiles. There are fewer people in this world that she trusts more than Luba - the fact that she almost lost that trust just goes to show how much of a trying situation this is for everyone.

The same woman as before, a police officer opens the door and looks towards Luba.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But the detectives are wanting to question you now, if that's okay..?" She says.

Luba and Nadiya look to one other. Nadiya gives a reassuring smile as Luba mentally prepares herself for the conversations she's about to have. She didn't want to put herself through it - but if it brings Katya any closer to home - it would be more than worth a few hours of being uncomfortable.

The friends hug before Luba walks off with the policewoman, and Nadiya steps out of the building. Her first instinct is to take out her phone and call Neil - there was so much explaining to do, she might as well get a head start.

"Hello?" Neil answers his phone.
"Neil? Are you busy right now? Can I come over? In fact, if you are busy, cancel your plans, I need to come over." Nadiya rambles.
"Hey, slow down.. I'm not doing anything, of course you can come over.. what's going on?"
"It's Luba.. well, it's Katya.. but also Luba.." she stumbles. "Look, I'll explain on the way, but you better sit down to hear this.."

Doing as instructed, Neil sits comfortably in his arm chair and waits to hear what Nadiya has to say.

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