Chapter 14

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~ December 14th 2019 ~

And Kelvin was their new champion; it's almost insane how fast a series goes by. Every single year, it feels as though strictly will last forever.. and suddenly, it's over.

When the grand final rolls around, it inevitably forces everyone - professionals and contestants - to do some self reflection. That's especially true for Katya; this has been, without a doubt, the most shaping few months of her entire life. Strictly is a whirlwind at the best of times - adding in a budding, secret romance made it unbelievably hectic. But despite the chaos, she couldn't have asked for a better experience. While a lot of her happiness is owed to strictly being as amazing as it is... she owes most of it to Luba.

As she's waiting in the hallway for Luba to turn up (they meet in the same spot after every show, then go to Katya's dressing room for some privacy), the young woman begins to tear up. Given how much the final encourages some serious soul searching, it's only natural for her to feel emotional. After all, there are so many different thoughts and feelings whizzing around her mind; she feels sad that strictly is over, she's feels happy that it happened.. she feels like she's falling in love.

Breaking up her moment of emotion, someone walks up to Kat. Except, it isn't her secret lover.. in fact, it's her ex-lover, Neil Jones. Despite what the papers may say, they were still friends; they'd spent so many years together, it would be foolish to just throw their toys out of the pram and spend the rest of life hating each other. Although, with that being said.. Kat had to admit, a part of her feels somewhat guilty for finding a new romance, so soon after their divorce. Granted, they were completely separated, but she had so much respect for him, and would never want to hurt his feelings.

"How're you feeling..?" He asks, noticing her teary eyes.
Katya sighs. "... A lot of different things." She responds. "You?"
"About the same.." he says. Then, his face shifts, as though he was going to say something more serious. "Kat, I came over because I wanted to tell you something.."
"Oh.. yes?"
"Well.. me and Janette were talking earlier and.. well, she seems to have noticed that your Instagram is a little.. nasty?"

Katya doesn't know how to react. He definitely isn't wrong; her Instagram has been a heavily toxic place for about a year now. But, why is Neil pointing that out to her?

"Yeah.. yeah, it's not the nicest." She confirms.
"I just wanted to let you know that.. I know we're not a couple anymore, but I still care about you obviously, and.. well, if there's anything I can do to make you feel a little happier, then just let me know." Neil says, kindly. "And I mean anything. Honestly, I just want you to be okay."

Katya smiles. Even now, it's almost like he can read her mind. Since her and Luba became a couple, Katya's carried around a sense of guilt for moving on so quickly. Obviously, Neil doesn't know that Kat's romantically involved with Luba. However, with that one, sweet sentence - she felt as though he was giving his blessing. Granted, she doesn't need his blessing. But after so many years of marriage, she's glad to have it non the less.

"Thank you Neil.. and the same goes for you too, if you need anything, I'm only a phone call away." She chirps.

The pair hug before Katya slouches back against the wall, waiting for her girlfriend.

Luba doesn't normally take this long, but she's only about five minutes late so it's okay. Kat just chooses to occupy the next few moments thinking about her; how happy she makes her; how beautiful she is; how talented.. it was safe to say that Katya was entirely smitten. Luba taught her how to love herself.. and it's causing her to fall in love with Luba, in return.

Suddenly, Katya notices her lovely Luba walking up to her. They give one another a warm hug; enough to show affection, but not enough to raise suspicion. After all, they're still out in the open.

"I'm sorry I'm late.. I had to grab my purse." Luba says, discreetly holding kat's hand.
"It's okay.. let's just have our time together before the after party kicks off.." She replies, winking at her girlfriend, and dragging her towards her dressing room door.

After the second they were alone, Katya pulls Luba in for a kiss. It's almost ironic. When they first confessed their feelings, Katya was terrified of simply hugging Luba for too long; now, she's the first one to grab hold of her and kiss her endlessly. Although, Luba would never dream of complaining. But, this specific night, she has something more important to talk about - regardless on how much she enjoys kissing Katya.

Luba gives Kat a few kisses in return, before pulling her down onto the sofa. The couple sits very closely, their hands resting along one another's bodies.

"You look so beautiful..." Luba says, wistfully.
"You tell me that everyday.."
"Because you look beautiful everyday." She adds, slouching her head to rest on Katya's chest. "I have something to ask you.."
"What's that..?"

This was something that Luba had been thinking about over the past few weeks. Maybe normal people would take longer to think about it - but she wasn't in a typical relationship. Besides, Luba's feelings were set in stone, she knew that nothing could ever change them. Every time she set her eyes on Kat.. there was an overwhelming feeling of happiness that ran through her. And it was the best thing that's ever happened to her.

"I know we said you'd stay at my place while strictly's on but.. well, strictly's finished now. And I really don't want you to leave.." she begins.
Katya begins to run her hands through Luba's hair. "I don't really want to leave either."
"You don't..?"
"I enjoy coming home with you everyday.. My flat will probably feel quite lonely when I go back.."

Luba's face lights up; that was almost exactly what she was hoping to hear. Suddenly, she sits up, taking Katya by the hands. This was the reason she was late earlier - she had to get something from her own dressing room, so that this moment would be perfect.

"Really..? You actually feel that way?" Luba asks again.
"Yes.. Luba, I love your company."
"Then I have something to show you" she smiles.

With a big, goofy grin plastered across her face, Luba reaches around to her purse and pulls out a small box. She passes it to Katya after gently pecking her cheek.

"Open it.." Luba instructs.

Doing as told, Kat slowly opens the box, raising an eyebrow at Luba. Once she looks inside, she sees a silver necklace - attached to the chain was a beautiful key shaped pendant. Upon closer inspection, she notices that a date has been engrained into the pendant. '12.08.19' - that's what it says. Then Kat realises.. that's the date when they first told one another how they felt.

"Luba.. Luba, it's gorgeous.." Kat says, in awe of how thoughtful it is.
"I was wondering.. well, if you don't want to go back to your flat.. and I definitely don't want you to.. why don't you stay with me?" She finally asks.
"You mean.. officially move in with you?"

Once Luba nods, Katya throws herself onto her, cuddling her and kissing her with so much joy. She didn't need to say yes for Luba to know that she clearly agrees.

"Help me put it on..?" Katya asks, moving her hair out of the way.

Luba tightens the clasp at the back of the necklace. She couldn't be happier that Katya wanted to wear it straight away. After all, she cared about Kat so much, more than she could ever say. Knowing that she can have her around all of the time; knowing that they can stay together, no matter how busy they each are.. it's all that she could ask for.

After helping Kat with her necklace, Luba hugs her from behind, kissing the back of her neck sweetly.

"Yes Katya..?"
"I.. I love you.."
"Oh Kat.. I love you too, so so much.. you honestly have no idea.."

Strictly Mysterious जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें