Chapter 8

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(A/N ~ Yeah so, the professionals tour has been postponed because of corona so please can we pretend that it hasn't for the sake of the story, Kay cheers)

~ 4th March 2020 ~

Pro tour promo was finished for the weekend; no one is yet to hear from Katya. It goes without saying that everyone was terrified. All of the pros and most of Katya's friends have been very vocal about her disappearance on social media, telling the masses to get in contact if they have any idea where she might be. Unfortunately, nothing reliable has come of it yet, but it's best to have all grounds covered.

It was yesterday that Neil recruited Nadiya and Luba to help look for Katya, and it was today that they were properly meeting for the first time to discuss things. Everything would be so much easier if the police would help them, but if they aren't, it must be up to them. Besides, it can't hurt to help them in the search, if they're even searching at all. Although, it seemed like the most productive way to start the search off was to sit down and have a real conversation about their next move - it would be irrational to go in without a plan.

The three friends were all meeting up at Neil's flat, it was a quiet place for them to talk and work out their strategy. If they were going to find Katya, they had to give themselves the absolute best chance imaginable. Luba and Nadiya turn up together, their arms linked together. Nadiya was reluctant to let Luba go anywhere/do much on her own - after all, Luba was evidently the person grieving most, besides Katya's family, and she didn't particularly trust her not to do anything stupid if she was left by herself. To be truthful, Nadiya was still unsure if Luba was was in the right state of mind to help with the search. But, at least if she's with them, she can keep an eye on her.

Neil gives the two ladies a hug before they sit around his dining table. Everyone's eyes were bloodshot, nobody has been getting a good night's sleep. There was a silence in the air - what do they say first? Luba's too much of a wreck to say anything at all, and her two friends had no idea what the right thing to say was. However, Neil had sort've become the natural leader amongst them, so he feels as though it falls on him to break the quiet.

"I think that.. well, it seems logical to start talking about where we last saw from her.. what our last form of contact was with her." He suggests. "Nadiya?"
The blonde dancer sighs. "The strictly final.. we said that we'd see each other at the professionals tour rehearsals.. she was her usual, happy self.." she explains, beginning to well up. "I miss her so much.."
"We all do.." Neil says, taking Nadiya by the hand comfortingly. "... Luba?"

As Luba tries to open her mouth, all she can do is whimper - she attempts to explain, but she just keeps breaking down in tears each time. Maybe Nadiya was right? Maybe she shouldn't be here? Being honest, she doesn't particularly want to be here either. When Neil and Nadiya think of Katya, they're sad because they remember the good times they spent with her, and because it hurts that those good times are potentially over... but Luba? She's sad because she remembers the bad times.. the really bad times.

"Hey, it's alright Luba, it's okay.." Neil whispers. "I'll go first.. give you some time." He offers. "So.. it was on the strictly tour. It was the last night.. we were supposed to all go out together, but Katya stayed behind.. said she wanted an early night. I didn't think anything of it at the time but.. I can't explain how much I regret letting her go home.."

Neil didn't mean to get emotional; he guessed that he probably would at some point today, but not quite so soon. He remembers almost every detail of their last tour date. Not much about the nighttime, he'll be the first to admit that he had a few drinks.. but before they went out, it's almost engrained into his memory. He's spent so many hours replaying it in his mind over and over again.

"Wait.. Luba, didn't you stay behind too?" Neil realises suddenly.
"I.. I.. um.. yes." Luba reveals, looking downwards. "But.. but, me and Katya weren't together. We both went home, we were so tired.. " she says, as tears fall down her face.
"Was that the last time you saw her too..?" Nadiya asks.
"Um.. y-yeah. Yes."

Luba's breathing becomes much more heavy, she can feel how panicky she is, talking about Katya has always done this to her - it just sends negative thoughts throughout her whole body and her heartache becomes more and more unbearable. Everyone knew that Luba was taking this the hardest, but no one was 100% sure on why. But that part doesn't matter, all Nadiya and Neil see is a broken woman, who was continuing to break. And it's unfair of them to drag her into this situation.

"Sweetheart.." Nadiya begins, reaching out to her friend.
Luba flinches, not wanting to be touched. "I.. I'm sorry guys.. I just don't think I can do this.. I.. I-I just want to go home.." she cries.

Her two friends look at each other, they know that the compassionate thing to do was let her leave, even if it meant one less person out looking. After all, they've already lost Katya.. they'd never forgive themselves if this led to losing Luba as well. Perhaps they should've stopped Luba from even turning up in the first place? It was obvious from the start that she was in absolute mental agony - more so than anyone else.

"Luba, the last thing we want to do is upset you.." Nadiya consoles. "Seriously, if you need to go.. there's no judgement.."

Still crying, Luba slowly picks up her purse and heads out the door. This was the last place she wanted to be; the last situation she wanted to be in. If they're letting her leave.. she's going to take that. Right now, she just wants to be at home, and be free to sort out her own thoughts alone. Her mind is on overload, and she needs time to process everything.

Nadiya and Neil both give Luba a hug before she heads off. They sit back down, almost crying themselves, but with the intention of working out a plan. They don't blame Luba for going home, but someone still needs to look for Katya, so it looks as though it's left to them.

"What did she say..?" Nadiya asks, a little out of no where. "Katya I mean.. what did she say the last time you saw her..?"
"Just that she was too tired to go out.. What if something was wrong with her? What if she didn't want to go out because something was wrong? And I didn't do anything to help her-"
"This isn't your fault Neil." She says instantly. "Even if there was something wrong.. there's no way of knowing what it was without having Katya's perspective.."

That sentence straight away causes Neil's brain to snap - the realisation that there might be something to tell them Katya's perspective. It's a long shot, but it's all they have. And even if it brings them one step closer towards finding Katya, it's worth investigating.

"Diary." Neil states.
"Diary! Katya kept a diary.. she did when we were married, anyway. If we can find it, there might be something in there!" He explains.
"Oh my god.. well, come on, we have to go and search her flat again!" Nadiya says, grabbing her back and pulling Neil out of the door.

This was the first time, since people realised Katya was gone, that anybody had felt any hope. It might not lead to much, but absolutely anything would make it worth looking. Finally, they had something to hold on to.. and they were't going to let go of that.

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