Harry brought his fist back. Enough was enough. How dare she- how DARE she insult Draco. He drew his fist forward, planning to give her a wallop right in the nose when a sharp voice stopped him.

Draco squeezed his eyes shut, breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He brought trembling hands to his face as he watched Harry almost punch the healer.

"Healer Montague!" It was Hermione. Harry whipped his head around, his fist about an inch away from Montague's nose.

"Hermione-" His voice cracked and his knees finally gave way. He collapsed onto the floor, knees banging loudly against the surface, and he began to quietly sob.

Hermione crouched down, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she wrapped her arms around Harry, who had rested his head on her warm chest.

"Please- please let me in." He choked out, hands fisting into the soft material of her robes.

"Of course, love. Yeah," she spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair. Harry let out a relieved sigh, muttering a grateful 'thank you' before resting his head on her shoulder.

"Come on, lets get these bandages off, and check your wings, yeah?" Hermione suggested, being weary of knocking his back with her hands as he was still very sensitive.

She got up, picking Harry from the arms and coaxing him up gently with her, guiding him over to where Healer Montague was still stood.

"I'm taking over this case. You're off. All of you." She snapped.

"You-you can't do that." Montague claimed.

"As head healer, and former minister for magic... I think I can. And I think I will." She spat.

She nudged the healer away, hissing a "Go!" before opening the door to Draco's room and letting him in.

"Fuck." Harry breathed, stumbling to the bed and gathering Draco in his arms.

"I'm here- I'm here. It's okay." Draco whispered, wrapping his arms around Harry who had now collapsed onto the bed.

Harry rested his head on Draco's chest and then listed his head back up quickly.

"W-What- are you okay?" Harry asked, running his hand along the back bone of his wing.

Draco nodded as he watched Harry, breath hitching as he ran his fingers ever so softly over the feathers.

"They're beautiful." He said, voice cracking.

"They're the same as yours." Draco smiled.

Harry smiled back, slumping down into the bouncy pillows of the hospital bed.

"You need to get these bandaged." He said.

"They don't hurt."

"Mine didn't either. But you need to get them bandaged. We've got rare blood or something, and it gets infected easier." Harry tried to explain, looking over at Hermione for help.

Hermione stepped forward, and smiled at the two of them tangled together, Draco's legs wrapped around Harry's waist and Harry's arms around Draco's neck. He soon moved them down to rest on Draco's stomach, kissing his forehead and breathing deeply through his nose.

"Harry's right. They need to be bandaged and healed so they don't get infected. We ran some tests on the blood in your systems and we found something unusual, but I think you should both be bandaged and fixed up before I tell you." She looked at them solemnly. They both stared at her in silence.

Once covered and healed, the two men sat in the chairs in Hermione's office, wearing nothing but grey sweatpants, they looked as though they hadn't showered in days. It wasn't exactly a lie, Harry certainly hadn't showered in at least two days.

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