Chapter 3.1

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She was like a hurricane. She came out of nowhere and rescued us. A storm who wore semi-transparent shades that couldn't hide her sparkling blue eyes. She held a ominous looking gun in her hand. I hadn't noticed the gun initially because I was busy staring at her, you know, face and stuff.

"Humph. Aren't you rude!" She broke me out of my trance with her sweet, sweet voice. She holstered her gun on her hip.
Oh crap! She looks pissed, I thought.
She walked up to me and grabbed my sweaty palm. She motioned for Dan to take her other hand.
"Come on. Be quick! That shield is not going to last long." She said assertively when Dan didn't do it right away.
Sleeveless, on the other side of the force field, was hurling flame balls at an amazing rate of two balls per second. It was a comical sight, if you ask me.

Dan grabbed her hand and suddenly all the air was sucked out of my lungs. While that was painfully unpleasant, it must not have lasted long. If it had, I would probably have burst apart like a balloon with too much pressure inside. It felt as if the ground had shifted beneath me. I was wobbly on my legs and felt very dizzy. I was very much alive and in a different location.

Imagine my shock. Just try to imagine it for a second. Me, Dan and the young lady had just teleported! My heart was beating like crazy.
What? What! Don't freak out, Rav. Think of this like a game.
I had been hyperventilating. But after that thought, I calmed down and my breathing went back to normal.

The young lady fainted. Oh, boy. This is bad.

We were in the kitchen of a house. Her house, I guessed.
"Come on. There must be a bedroom in the house somewhere. Carry her and I'll see if I can find anything useful for my hand." I told Dan.
"You carry her." he replied.
"What? How do I carry her with one hand, Dan? Are you crazy?"
"That would be like cheating. I am dating Rachel now."
"Who?" I asked confused.
"The girl we met on your birthday. Monica's friend!" Dan replied with disbelief in his voice.
"Are you freaking kidding me now? When did you start dating her? Its been three days, Dan. When were you going to tell me this? And that's not the point here. Carrying a woman to her bed when she has fainted is not cheating. Don't be ridiculous, Dan. Just carry her." I put a hand on his shoulder to steady myself. I was exhausted and in tremendous pain. I was amazed I hadn't passed out already. My pain tolerance level must be high.

New Holos.

Exp Gain: 70
Level Increased
Level: Lvl 7
Stamina Increased.
Sta: (+2)5
Skill Points Gained.
Available Skill Points: (+7)11

Okay. Whatever. I don't care anymore.

After an hour, everything had settled down. The woman was soundly sleeping in her bedroom on the first floor of the house. Dan was downstairs trying to find enough ingredients to make some food for the three of us. I was sitting beside the woman in a plush, comfortable chair, with a makeshift splint wrapped around my hand. It was made out of cardboard and splinting material found in a first aid kit, which was not as hard to find as I had feared.

I had taken two pain killer pills available that were in the bathroom cabinet above a sink. It certainly helped. But I would need professional treatment soon. But how can we go to a hospital when we can't even get out of this damn house. I thought bitterly.

There were two doors in and out of the house. Both closed along with all the windows. Nothing would budge them. It was as if we were magically sealed inside the house. I wouldn't be surprised if magic was actually involved. After all, anything was possible now.

I was watching 'Storm' sleeping peacefully, lost in my random thoughts. Her face looked serene and adorable. Who was she? I couldn't see any Holo above her head that would give me some much needed information. It didn't work even when I clenched my fist and lightly hit her on the leg. This is strange. Not being able to see any floating holograms above her head is strange. Oh, the irony!

I chuckled to myself. I wanted to know where we were. I was desperate to know things. Not knowing where I was, who I was with, made me uncomfortable. Ding! A Holo.

New Quest
Quest Title: Where am I?
Description: Find out where you are before 'Storm' wakes up. There are clues around the house that will help you complete the quest.
Reward: Hidden Special Item - Healing potion. Exp points - 20.
Hint: You will require some deductive reasoning to be able to complete the quest.

Huh. So it looked like the Holos took information from my subconscious. Otherwise it wouldn't have displayed the young woman's name as 'Storm'.

The reward for this quest was mouth watering to me at that moment. I got up from the chair, wincing in pain. I have been completing such missions since I was 10. How hard can it be?


Author's Note: So...let me know did you like this chapter or not? I am improving, at least I hope I am. Keep in mind that this story requires major editing from chapter 1.1 onward. Only the first chapter has been edited. This Note will be invalid once I am done editing though! :( ........Thank God for spell-check, which I might have forgotten to do in the previous chapters. As always thanks for reading! :) - Phenil

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