Chapter 10:•Promise•

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The night already came.

I was lying on the bed, trying to fall asleep for a few hours, but i couldn't.

My mind was constantly coming back to the place where Ji-Eun's grave is.

I turned to look on the other side of the bed. It was empty.
From some reason, Jungkook decided that he will sleep in the living room, instead with me.

Well, i couldn't blame him. He was probably embarassed because of what he said to me.

I didn't reject him tho, he gave me some time to answer.

After what Lia told me, there was no way that i could leave him. My mission was to rescue a precious life.

Feeling uncomfortable feeling in my chest, i sat up.

My breathing got heavier, as if someone was pressing my chest.

My eyes fell on the glowing thing underneath my shirt.

As i lifted it, i saw it.

My birthmark. It was glowing.

Before i knew it, i found myself jumping from the bed and running towards the living room.

He wasn't there.

I searched in the whole first floor, but found nothing.

Once i got upstairs again, i saw a door half open.
How come i never noticed that door before?

I pushed the door open.
It was a balcony.

And there he was, supporting himself on the wall while his other hand was placed on his chest.


I went to him immidiately, and almost touched him.
But he just moved away.

"Stay away, Mia."

As i took another step towards him, he took a step back.

"Why are you trying to get away from me?"

I asked, cleary annoyed by his actions. How was i supposed to help him if he didn't allow me to?

"P-please.. just.. i don't want to hurt you. I-i can't control myself now."

Oh. So that's how was it. He was having another 'episode'. This time, i could feel the amount of dark energy coming from his body. Even without touching it, i knew his skin was burning.

There was no time to be afraid. No more.

I took a step forward.

"Leave me alone, Mia."

I didn't stop.
He was walking backwards, until he hit the wall. I stopped in front of him.

"Just go away."

His voice was shaking, and his breathing got louder. The black mark on his neck started growing, covering whole left side of his jawline and cheek.

I didn't think of my actions, just letting my body work on it's own.

That's the exact reason why i wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

"You no longer need to go through this alone. I am here for you."

His body tensed at the tone of my voice and at the feel of our bodies pressed against each others.

He didn't hug me back. Instead, he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, that my back was leaning against the wall.

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