Chapter 4: •Dangerous gaze•

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Slowly putting the plate full of food on the table beside the bed, i sat on a nearby chair and stared at him.

It was weird.
I just found out this guy was my soulmate.
Or, could be.
I mean, having the same birthmark doesn't mean anything.

But then there was those voices i kept hearing over the years.
More specificaly, a voice.
Sometimes it would get so loud that my ears would bleed.
Other times, it would be so quiet that i questioned if i really heard something.
One thing i was sure about: whoever was calling for me, they needed help.
Just by how hurt that voice sounded would break my heart.
I used to hear cries as well.

Being in that room, beside a guy i never met, who had the same birthmark as me, on the same place, and him being locked in a room, chained and beaten up, felt more like a dream to me.
To be more exact, a nightmare.

What was his story?
What happened to him?
Who locked him?

So many things i would give everything to know.
Well, it wasn't like i had much to give, but.. you know what i'm saying?

I sighed.
Too many things have happened, and i was still stuck in the same day.

The night already fell and it was completely dark outside.
I found some candles in the closet and they were the only thing making me able to see.

I felt tired.

I caught myself staring out the window.
The thought of creatures hiding there somewhere, that are not animals nor humans, was scary.
I would lie if i said that i wasn't scared.

If demons attacked this place, not only my life would be in danger, but this guys too.

If that's so,
would i be able to protect him?

The more i stared, the more creepy it would get.

Call me a coward, but i couldn't help myself to be afraid of the dark.
A good friend of mine, Joon Woo, used to tell me all kinds of scary stories.

I would listen to this stories from one reason - he was my crush.
When you like someone, you want to spend as much time as possible with them.

I didn't know why, but one thing he loved the most, was to scare me.
And i was an easy target. I would get scared over a little thing.

From his stories i learned that everything that's dark, Is dangerous.

So, can you blame me for having huge fear of darkness?

One time, he told me a story of a girl that got killed in the woods.
No one knew where she was.
When they found her, her body was in awfull state.
Basically, all that was left of her, was one ear.
Her killer was never found, and since then, her ghost lived in one of the woods, searching for a person who killed her. Ready to get revenge.

Just by thinking about that story sent shivers down my spine.
I remember when i heard that story, i couldn't sleep for weeks.
Lia told me that there was no such thing as ghosts.

You won't believe this, but she took me to a forest in the middle of the night to show me there was nothing.
I was so angry on her for making me do that, i didn't talk to her for 5 days straight.

But, i guess it worked.

Joon Woo continued telling me those scary stuff, except i didn't believe in them anymore.
That's when i grow up.

But you know, you can never grow up completely.
The child in you refuses to leave your body and you just want to be that child again. To believe in those things. To do all things children usually do.

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