Mabels POV:

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I feel pain-- But it's more like I am watching myself from a distance.

I feel Dipper shaking me to wake me, But I can't wake up.

I walk around as if in a spiritual state. "Dipper?" I ask, utterly confused.

"Well, well, If it isn't Mabel Pines." I hear Bill, but I can't see him.

"Where are you, you, you ISOSALIES DORITO CHIP!" I yell.

"No need for the name calling." He says, laughing slightly and mockingly.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"No where at all." Bill answers. "No. Where."

"What?" I asked, looking around only to see the nothingness of space and air.

I see Dipper shaking me. I feel Dipper shaking me. I want to wake, I really do, But I can't return to my body.

I run over to him, but I can't touch him. Almost as if there is a glass window that repells me.

I pound.
And pound.

"Dipper!" I call. "Dipper!"

Nobody hears but bill.

"Thats cute, Kid, but he can't hear you.

My eyes are filled with burning tears of rage and fear. "LET ME SEE MY BROTHER!"

"Well you can see him, you can see him suffer and suffer and suffer." Bill laughed.

I can't see anything but my Brother seeming broken like a part of him was missing.

Like I was missing.

But I'm right hear, I'm right here in front of him but he can't see me.

My chest stopped moving, but my heart was beating.

Poor Dipper is crying of my dead body. He misses me.

He just sits there for hours and hours of pain. I want to talk to him but I can't.

Stan watches. I can tell he has no idea what to do as Dipper falls apart and quickly lashes out on him from time to time.

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