Dippers POV:

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I turn to be face to face with Grunkle Stan.   I wore my Pidemont hat that covered my big dipper birthmark.

"Your going home now...and, j just wanted to say..." He sighed. "I just wanted to say that you shouldn't forget about this town...okay?"

I simply nod. "I won't ever forget about this town!"

"Don't forget about me, either." He said scruffing my hat.

I flinch but let him. Mabel walked over to Wendy, I didn't know why but she did. She gave something to her and I tilted my head.

"Soos, you've Been the bestest friend I've ever had." I smiled, walking over to Soos.

"Thanks dude, terydactal bros?" He said holding out a fist.

I bump his fist with mine. Then we made an explosion sound like the normal. "Pterydactal bros." I reasure. "With a p."

Mabel said goodbye to her girls and gave them the phone number they should call. I said my goodbyes of the summer and headed on the bus.

Everyone looked so sad. Nobody had much to say...what could be said? I started out of the bus window until I couldn't see Stan or Wendy, or Soos any longer.

Mabel wanted to play 'What's under the bus seat?' But I'm not in the mood. I was Really upset that day.

"Come on Dipper!" She smiled. "It's not like forever!"

"It's know that." I said. "It just feels that way." I sighed.

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