They were alright, at least they got on I guess. He would rarely make an offensive slur, but the grudge from her was short lived.

He looked at some newly hung baby photos of me. She had taken down all of the ones with dad in, I guess I don't blame her. But to me he's still my family and it looked like he made the lame excuse to 'get milk'. He looked at the photo, then me, then the photo, then me, and smirked.

I avoided even talking to the ass and walked upstairs to brush my teeth. I didn't particularly hate him anymore, but I still liked to relax on my Sunday's. I even had homework to do, and with him he'd distract me. In sight or not, he'd cause trouble.

As I brushed my teeth, I heart a small snigger downstairs. I rolled my eyes then brushed my hair so it was less curly and more poofy. My hair was shaved slightly on the sides and was mainly poofy on the top. It was way better than having that so called jewfro.

I walked back down to see him watching tv. I sighed, there was no getting rid of him was there?

"Okay, why are you here?" I asked, gritting my teeth. My voice was surprisingly deep for some reason, so it startled me. He seemed to flush red for a second, probably didn't expect me.

"My mums got this super loud guy round, I know, it's early. But hey, he's over there and practically lives with us as I think they're dating, so I wanted to get out of the house."

"Cool, nice. I recommend going to the gym."

"I work out at home, actually."

"Pfft, whatever fatass."

"No, seriously. I could show you what I do."

I ignored him and walked into the kitchen, making myself coffee. I was in my boxers still, I noticed, and shivered from the draft through the window. I closed it quickly and felt eyes watch me. I ignored it and sat on the counter for no reason.

I grabbed my drink and sipped on it, my tongue burning from the deep taste. Cartman eventually came in, looking out to the backyard. Everything from our childhood was either thrown away or sold.

To avoid talking again, I jumped off of the counter and walked upstairs to get changed. I put on a white top, light blue jeans and my plaid jacket again but actually around my arms. I put on some deep smelling cologne and just stared at myself.

I did this when I was bored, had no reason to do anything. It would always result in me judging myself. I then felt someone walk in my room and I cringed. "Leave me alone." I stated but he ignored it and sat on my bed. "Dude, why did you choose to come here, of all places?"

"Because Stan and the other two are still an hour away, Craig and Tweek are probably being gay together, Token is annoyed at me, Clyde will just talk about his girlfriend, and you're the less annoying person right now."

"I could be annoying and be a dick."

"Then be a dick all you want, I know you're just doing it to get rid of me. Anyway, I have a whole day planned ahead of us!"

"You sound so gay." I didn't mean to use that as an insult, but it pissed him off and I only meant it to annoy him.

"Maybe so. But get off of you're ass and let's go." Did he just agree to my attempt at an insult?


He suddenly dragged me to my feet, holding me by my hand as he dragged me outside. He already had the door key and locked it before dragging me again. I was tagging along unintentionally, always punching and hitting him for holding my hand.

"G-get the fuck off of me Cartman!" I hissed, attempting to bite him but he pushed me away slightly. "Eric I swear to god-"


"Yeah, I always call you Eric when I want you to fuck the fuck away from me and let go of my hand!"

"No can do Kahl, we're going for some quality food."

"But I just ate-"

"No, you didn't eat much I'm sure." I did only eat one pancake and he was the only one who knew about my eating problem. He always worried that I would get anorexia, but I couldn't let it get that bad. I was quite skinny, but not that bad.

There were a thousand reasons that I couldn't tell anyone else. One, My mother would freak out and have a panic attack. Two, Stan would kill me. Three, Kenny is a tiny bit skinnier than me so he's a bad example. Four, basically everyone's on diets and have no big eating habits unlike Cartman.

I guess he's kind of like my ticket out of hell. He knows how to eat a lot, and I know that he's kind of worried about me, it's obvious. Whenever we went out as a group to eat somewhere, he would always watch what I eat and if I didn't have enough he'd take the rest home.

As my body got dragged along the empty path, it was obvious where we were going. KFC. I rolled my eyes but held his hand back, he stopped and stared at me.

"Why are we at KFC?" I asked. "I don't have any money as you dragged me out."

"We're here because I'm hungry. And don't worry, I'll pay. Besides, no one from school gets up this early apart from us so no one will be there." He shot me a smile.

"Dude, it's 10:36am."

"As I said, no one else will even be awake. I heard that Clyde had a party last night which everyone else went to."

"Why does it feel like we're the only ones who didn't have a good time overall last night?"

"Because we probably were."

"Could you please let go of my hand?" That was the first time in forever that I politely asked him for something in such a kind manner.

"You won't run off, would you?"

"No. I'm hungry too." I pouted but he gave me a shiny smile. He let go of my hand, the cold rushing to it instantly. He kind of had different personalities for each emotion. He could be happy and look and act it, he could be sad and look it and act it, angry, playful, dumb, confused, so on. Like he was a different person for each.

I followed him into the restaurant and didn't even ask me what I wanted, just got chicken, gravy and chips. I took the tray as he got us both malteser krushems then finally joined me.

He sat across from me, noticing as I shivered. He seemed to act instantly as he took off his hoodie and passed it to me. I looked at him weirdly, not taking it at first until he motioned it forward again so I took it. It was way too big for me, but it was warm. I put it on and felt the fluffy insides brush against my skin.

I smiled at the warmth, bringing my knees to my chest as I wrapped it around my legs too. He just stared kind of blankly at me before eating some more chicken.

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