Chapter 30: The Day That Loses It All

Start from the beginning

"Stefan..." Elena called out to him.

"Elijah, Ava" Stefan appeared around the corner in terror.

"Hello again," Elijah greeted in a cold manner.

If Stefan is alive and well with Elena, then that only means one thing. It wasn't Alaric who took him.


My blood was on fire. It felt like my skin was melting. I kept seeing red spots pop in my vision. Anger was covering me. I want to kill the little bitch and her puppet right in front of me, right here right now. But I couldn't, I couldn't until I got my Niklaus back.

Petrified by our arrivals, Stefan and Elena came clean to us about the situation with Niklaus and Alaric. Apparently, instead of dessicating Alaric, they had dessicated Niklaus instead and now, the man who I thought was my friend and would put his bro before his hoe, is now on the run with the love of my lifes body. Too say I tried to break through Elena's door frame was an understatement. It took Elijah speaking calming words and burning his hands a few times on my skin to get me to calm down long enough to devise a plan.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family and Ava will scatter to the ends of the Earth, and Alaric will follow us." Elijah spoke as he stood at the Gilbert's dining room table. I seated next to him, tapping my manicured fingers on the table rapidly, trying to restrain myself from leaping across the table. It had taken several promises to not kill anyone and a sore apology in order to get Elena to invite me into the home.

"And what? You'll run?' Stefan remarks as he takes a seat next to Elena who is across from me.

"We've done it before," I gruff out.

"Klaus, Ava, and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?" Elijah reasons.

"We finally stopped him, Elijah" Elena opens her puny little whiny mouth. "After everything that he has done to us, I can't just let you both bring him back."

A roar leaves my lips as I slam my fists onto the table, splitting it. "You may have stopped Niklaus, little Elena. But I promise you, if we - if I do not get him back, I will hunt you down and rip you and every one you love to shreds." I am sure my eyes where flashing red at this point from what I could tell by the terror on Elena and Stefan's face. Elijah laid his cold hand on my burning flesh in a way to calm me down.

"Ava, why don't you take a step outside and breathe in some fresh air. You are burning," Elijah commented as I heard his skin burn from its contact with my skin. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I nodded my head and marched out the door. Sitting on the steps, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on controling my temper. I had to be smart about this. I can't let my emotions take control of my actions. I need to be able to think. If I am going to see Niklaus again, I need to take some control over myself.

You have got this, Ava. You're a two thousand year old vampire who has a true family now, and is in dire need of finding the love of her life. Your powers are coming back for some reason that you can't explain, and they are coming back in a new way.

"Ava, you may come in." Elijah called from inside the home. Standing up, I dusted off my pants and marched back to my seat in the Gilbert's dining room. Elijah explained to me the plan that was too be devised to stop Alaric, long enough to save Nik. A plan that I could work with. I just hope everything works.


"I know where Klaus' body is," Jeremy spoke into the phone to Alaric.

"Good tell me"

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