Chapter 11: Reminiscence

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I shot up gasping for air. That little asshole broke my neck! I swear I will get my vengeance on him. My eyes skimmed the room, instantly taking in the familiar look of the room. I'm at the Salvatore's. I sighed before throwing the duvet off of me. My eyes came to land upon a piece of white parchment lying on my nightstand next to me. I picked it up, reading the cursive writing situated on the parchment.

'Sorry for breaking your neck, love. But we both knew that you would not have let me leave Rebekah behind. I am also sorry for being such a pompous ass to you. You know I never really meant to be, sweetheart.

My heart pinged at the word sweetheart. I love it when he called me that. It always made me feel loved.

'I need you to do two things for me. 1: Watch over Rebekah for me, and 2: Keep Elena safe. I do need her blood for my hybrids, darling. I will see you soon, my dark beauty.

Yours Truly, Nik.'

My insides felt like they had completely melted. I haven't gotten notes from him in so long. A smile grew on my face as I got up to put the letter in my treasure box. The box was made of lightwood and had double infinity carved onto the top, it felt soft to the touch yet firm as I opened the lid. My fingers trailed down the picture of Nik and I from the twenties that was put into frame. I smiled at the thought of how happy we where at that moment. It was New Years down in New Orleans and we had finally gained the whole town. Yeah, we started New Orleans from its roots, but we had to sacrifice part of the town to the humans. Yet we ended up getting it back. That night was the night he proposed to me. We spent 900 and something odd years together, and I wanted to marry, but Nik refused until he knew that we where safe from Mikael. That night we felt as if we where safe from him. We felt powerful and in control.


Since the party started, I have had many un-lady-like drinks, and Nik and I have had many dances together. I was about to retreat to the bar to get another bourbon when Nik grabbed my hand and turned me to face him.

"Follow me."

I giggled and let him drag me to wherever we where going.

"Where are we going, Nik?"

No answer. He just simply kissed me on the cheek, and continued to lead. Nik lead me to glass paned double doors before letting go of my hand. He turned and pressed his back against the doors, smiling widely at me. He then pushed and the doors opened to reveal a garden. Not just any garden, a ROSE Garden!

There where roses of many colors surrounding me. They grew as tall as walls. The variety of roses rapped around arches that led to a center where a fountain stood spouting water from the top spewing into the little pool underneath. Red roses graced the top of the fountain pool. Lanterns where hanging from the arches and the walls.

I walked around in amazement. The sight was so beautiful. I have lived for many years and I have never seen anything with such beauty. I sat on top of the brick of the fountain and picked a rose from on top of the water. I gently raised it to my nose and took in all its scent. The rose smelled so sweet and simple.

I turned to look at Nik, rose still in hand. I noticed he was kneeling on one knee and held a royal blue box in his hand. A gasp escaped my lips at the sight.

He slowly opened the box with a smile upon his face.

"Ava, you have been with me through everything. You took my side when others didn't. You always stuck up for me even when I did the worst of things. When I was at my most vulnerable, you where there to strengthen me up. When I was acting on impulse and everyone scolded me, you where there to join in with me. You where the first person I turned. The first girl I actually loved and I can not help but want to spend the rest of my, our, undead lives together in our kingdom, in our palace, for eternity. Ava Mercedes Petrova, will you marry me?"

With that, I set the rose carefully onto the brick of the fountain, and looked at Nik's loving eyes. I slowly reached down and put my lips to his, kissing him passionately, before breaking away for air.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, nothing would make me happier than to be your wife."

I saw the smile grow on his face. Instantly, he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger and kissed me passionately, cupping my cheek with one hand and placing the other hand on my neck. The only bad feeling I had was the guilt of not telling him the truth.

*Flashback over*

That day was THE best day of my life.

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