But at least tonight I was going to get a chance to work on my research project. I've been working on the history and origin stories of the statues and architecture at the Palace of Versailles and tonight my friend Emma and I were going to the palace to find out which statues I wanted to write on. Plus the tour guides are always willing to help out.

I quickly changed my clothes and met up with Emma at our favourite cafe before hitting the tube to the palace. Once we got there it immediately started to rain.

"Oh this is just fantastic! As if my day wasn't going bad enough!" Kris exclaimed.

"A little rain won't hurt us! Plus I brought my poncho that I got at Euro Disney so this rain is just giving me an excuse to wear it." Emma said cheerfully.

"Yeah but I forgot an umbrella and I didn't think to pack a poncho. It's fine I'll just work in my new blundstones. Plus I see the gold gates we better get going before they close." I worried.

"What do you mean close?" Emma asked.

"I was so busy with all my papers and research today that I only scheduled one hour to go around the garden to look for statues that I wanted to further research. We still have plenty of time to look around but I'm probably going to have to come back to interview employees." I answered.

"No worries! It's not like we aren't a short train ride away. Now let's hurry! If we only stay for an hour we can make it back to the magic kingdom to catch the fire works!" Emma exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and laughed as we entered the gardens. Emma was one of my best friends at university and she is just as Disney obsessed as my sister and I. We got annual passes to euro Disney and we always try to hit up thunder mountain when we need a brain break. But tonight I had a couple statues I wanted to get photos of so I could further develop my research.

The first one was of Louis the fourteenth when he was in his royal clothes. Apparently Louis wanted a statue made of him but the end result wasn't what he expected. He wanted it to be in his masculine war attire but the artist put him in his girly royal attire which he was not happy about. This statue is at the farthest corner of garden and quite a walk so I went there first to see if there was a plaque or something about the sculpture.

After that I took some photos of whatever stays moved me the most. The last one I needed a photo of was the Poseidon fountain/statue. By now the rain had picked up and I was soaked, cold, tired, and the sky was starting to reflect how I felt at this moment. I just needed this last photo and then I was going to see Mickey.

"We are almost at the fountain now! I can't wait to get this photo. This fountain is going to be one of the major themes in my paper." I said.

"We have like 2 minutes so we better hurry!" Emma exclaimed.

"Don't worry we will make it!" I determined.

I started to pick up my pace and I could see the side profile of the statue. Just as I was heading to get a photo from the front a security guard stops me in my path. 

"Sorry miss the gardens are closed." He said.

"Really?!" I whined. "I just need to walk over there to get one last photo for my research project and then I'm out of here." I promised.

"I'm sorry mam but I'm going to have to insist that you and your friend leave." He said sternly.

"Are you serious! It's right there I just need one photo!" I screamed.

"Come on Kris let's go, we can come back tomorrow. Kris? Kris!" Emma exclaimed.

All of the sudden I let out a blood curdling scream. I felt this sudden impulse of electricity running through my veins up to my eyes and hands. As I continued to scream, the energy in my hands started to form thunder and lightening from the sky and it started to come down and hit spots right next to the security guard.

"Kris can you hear me!" Emma continued to panic and she tried shaking me to get me out of this trance. The minute she touched my arm I loss focus of the electrical storm I was causing and all of the sudden I transported our bodies right into the center of Main Street in Euro Disney.

"Whoa! What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know, but it looks like there are more than one person in my family that has special powers."

Three months have passed since the events at Versailles. These last three months I have been exploring my new electrical powers and also my telepathic powers. The telepathy has been super handy whenever I needed to go anywhere for research or if I really craved a dole whip. I tried to contact Tess in these last three months but the electrical currents in my hands keep frying up my cell phone so I broke down and wrote her a letter. I was just about to hit up Disney parks with Emma when I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I opened the door and I saw Tess standing there with none other than Tony Stark.

"Oh my gosh it's Iron man! I've read so much about you! I I I" I stuttered and sighed on the inside. He has been my celebrity crush for so long now.

"Nice to officially meet you Kris. I have a proposition for you."

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