2: Fading Memories and A Fool

Start from the beginning

'Can you at least tell me who own all of you?' she once said after she packed all of her remaining things in his house.

Seokjin looked down to the picture of both of them, 'I-' he took a deep breath, 'it's someone that would never be mine.'

She hummed, taking the framed picture, 'I know you deserved my punch so I won't apologies for that one,' she grinned, 'but one thing, Oppa.'

'You should never underestimate the name of love.'

She left, leaving empty spots in Seokjin's house.

He felt bad, for not thinking about her but a picture of a boy who won't disappear completely because he tried his best not to forget.

At night when he was all alone, loneliness engulfed him and all he could do was imagining how warm Taehyung; he could cry until he fell asleep.

He truly thought he was being stupid, pathetic, a moron.

As days became weeks and weeks became months.


He didn't feel the pain every time, it became dull as time went by.


But yet.

It never vanished.

In the middle of the crowd, in the middle of eating.

A flashing memory, a flashback.

A regret.

Mixed into one familiar feeling he had for years.

They became his loyal friend, a companion he hated and loved at the same time.

Tragic, ironic.


'Isn't this the time to start again?' Yoongi asked, face bored yet Seokjin saw the sadness and worries inside his eyes.

Seokjin gave the documents, his co-worker also his best friend since he was in college frowned deeper.

'I don't know Yoongi-ah,' he sighed, 'I tried, again and again.'

The results never changed.

'Then what if you tried again with the person who won't leave your mind alone?'

Seokjin let out a shaky breath, 'people said once you broke someone's trust, only a fool will trust you again.'

Taehyung was not a fool.

He knew, how he broke the younger man into pieces on that day.

As if Taehyung was nothing but a rag doll for him to screw up.

Throwing him away because of Seokjin simply afraid of society and people's words.

When naïve Taehyung said he was the world and Seokjin lied when he said it was the same for him.

Life wasn't that simple for him and he shattered Taehyung because of he ideals at that time, he lost not just himself but also the other man.

Seokjin had no heart to try again, to at least ask for forgiveness; also the fact that all of it happened because he let his desire out of control.

He was at fault.

He was too late.

Too far to turn around and pull the little boy back to his embraces.

It was a coincidence when one of his students joked about him being a handsome husband and he answered, 'I'm single,' while laughing and Namjoon was there.

Seokjin broke his engagement but he never told anyone, expect Yoongi and Hoseok.

Who also Namjoon's friends and the other man asked for more detailed information to them.

Seokjin never got married, he was single until now.

'Long time no see.'

Honestly, Seokjin could recognize Taehyung even after years he didn't see that boy.

Taehyung was the same but different at the same time.

Same curly hair, Seokjin wondered if they were still as soft.

Sharper jaw, taller, broader even though not as broad as him but just enough to be equal.

'Seokjin,' he sobbed, calling his name that gave different taste on his tongue.

'Seokjin,' the fading memories that were lost slowly emerging up and went back to their places.

They never left but Seokjin tried to think they were.

He tried to assure himself that he was okay and he didn't need Taehyung.

Though, life was never that simple.

'Seokjin!' the moment Taehyung pulled him into his embrace, Seokjin noticed how he was not the same boy for sure but still was his Taehyung.

'You're a fool'

'Yes, yes I'm'

'Why you're here-'

'To get another fool back to my arms'


'No more running away'

'You don't under-'

'No more, I won't let you'

If you said Seokjin was an egoist and a bastard, you were right. He was.

Call him by your name

And he would call you by his name


Maybe now when Seokjin woke up and he was in between Taehyung's arms, he would smile and let out a small chuckle.

Closing his eyes again, whimpering lightly when he moved his sore body.

Taehyung's lips parted a little, hands wrapped tightly on Seokjin's waist as if he was afraid of losing the older man once again.

Seokjin would smile, feeling full and swelled up.

The fading memories was still an addiction for him and the guilt or doubt this might end ugly never really leave him.

Seokjin did broke Taehyung into pieces that day.

Little did he knew the younger man ended up loving him with every single piece he had.

They were a fool, for each other.

The little boy Seokjin thought he lost forever was here to recreate a new one and he knew this time he was not alone.

Seokjin never was. 



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Sadly I lost the draft for the smut I promised in the first chapter, so maybe one day I will try to write it again Don't forget to leave kudos and comments

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