Getting Prepared For The Makeover

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While Hassan's mom and I ate our breakfast, we started to get to know each other more. Her and my mom would be best friends if they ever met each other, there was just so many similarities between them. How they talked, how they dressed, and even how they carried themselves. My mom would always walk with confidence and she would always tell me to treat myself like a queen. Hassan's mom was very positive, you could tell by the way she spoke and the words she would say. No wonder where Hassan gets it from. Then we started to talk about Adesh and Hassan's brotherly bond.

"Adesh became really close to Hassan when his father died. Adesh is just like his father in so many ways," Hassan's mom said as she stared out into space while we sat on the couch waiting for the designer.

"How so? If you don't mind me asking." I asked she smiled.

"Well for starters, he looks just like him and he would always crack jokes and make people laugh. I swear if he wasn't a doctor, he would be a comedian but his parents wouldn't allow that." She went on and I nodded paying attention to what she was saying.

"The only time I saw him down was when he found out he had cancer." She looked down for a moment.

"Do you miss him?" I asked as I rubbed her hand.

"Everyday...but I have Adesh to remind me of him so that's amazing." She smiled widely and I smiled along with her.

"That is amazing." I nodded.

The doorbell rang throughout the house and Hassan yelled saying he got the door already. We both stood up from the couch and made our way to the entryway of the house. The designer was a woman, her skin was dark just like mine but you could tell she was Indian by her features. She looked my age but taller and skinnier, her outfit was an all-black suit. She had her hair in a bun and wore a dark purple lipstick color on her lips, she was a very attractive woman.

"Hello, Miss Abdul. Nice to see you again." The designer smiled as she gave Hassan's mom a hug as soon as she saw her.

"I know, I feel like it's been ages." Hassan's mom smiled widely once she pulled away from the hug then the designer looked at me curiously.

"Who is this lovely lady?" The designer asked then Hassan's mom stepped out of her way so she could look at me.

"This is Eve, Hassan's girlfriend." She smirked as she looked at Hassan, he was blushing so hard.

"Nice to meet you, Eve. My name is Amara." She held her hand out and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too, Amara." I smiled and she nodded.

"Well! Let's start heading to the room. Come on in, everyone." Amara clapped her hands before four people came inside the house. Two women had clothes covered in plastic on their arms and two men had come in with nice shoes am guessing it's for the outfits.

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"Oh okay," I whispered to myself, surprised by the people coming into the house in coordination. Hassan came over to me with a smile on his handsome face.

"Have fun, babe." He kissed me on the forehead before he walked upstairs.

"C'mon, Eve." Hassan's mom grabbed my hand basically pulling me as we walked further into the house.

We passed the theater room and game room before we made it into a room that was covered in gold and baby blue colors. The room had a window that showed the bright beautiful skies and our lovely garden. The people that came into the people were getting all of the outfits situated as I sat down with Hassan's mom on the small blue cozy couch that was in the corner of the room.

Worlds Apart But Yet So Close (AMBW love story) ™Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя