Chapter 13: Quill threats

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"She's dead" a hollow voice said behind (Y/n) "she's dead and she'll never come back" the voice let out a hollow laugh, a laugh devoid of all love, a laugh full of only hate.

"She's dead and there's nothing you can do"

"No no I can fix this I can save her" (Y/n) stammered, he felt hot tears falling down his face. "I can do something"

The voice laughed once again "you're powerless, you're weak and pathetic. You couldn't save her then, and you won't be able to save her now"

"NO NO NO! I'll save her I'll find a way, there's got to be a way, somehow I'll I'll do it I won't let her die!" (Y/n) shouted at the voice. It laughed once more, and suddenly he felt as though he was being shaken, as if his whole body, every single molecule of his being was being shaken.

"It's time to leave now (Y/n)" the voice sneered "there's nothing more you can do"

Suddenly (Y/n) blindly grabbed his wand and pointed it towards the voice and shouted "stupefy!"

(Y/n) opened his eyes with a start and realized that Madame Pince was standing over him. He saw that he was clutching a quill in his left hand and was pointing it towards her.

"Oh sorry" he muttered. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave Mr. (L/n)" she said to him softly. "You've been disturbing the other students."

(Y/n) looked around and saw a bunch of students' faces staring at him, some looking scared, and some looking worried. "Oh I'm sorry" he said not making eye contact with anyone.

He picked up his bag and started to leave, when Madame Pince put her hand on his shoulder and stopped him. "(Y/n) get some sleep you need it" she whispered to him with a reassuring smile.

It had been a week since Hermione was attacked and Harry and Ron were starting to worry about (Y/n). He was hardly ever in the common room, spending all his free time in the library, only leaving to go to classes. He hardly ate anymore, often skipping meals to search the library.

More than once (Y/n) had been dragged back into the common room by Professor McGonagall, as he had snuck out after hours and snuck into the library. Even when he was in the dorms he wouldn't sleep, he would spend nights reading large thick books on advanced spells, trying desperately to find a way to cure Hermione.

The only time that Harry and Ron saw (Y/n) sleep was during Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Since the attack people had either been trying to cheer him up or just stayed out of his way. Even Peeves was going easy on (Y/n). The only one who didn't was Malfoy. That was until one day.

(Y/n) was sitting in potions with Harry and Ron, when they overheard Malfoy. "Looks like the heir will be killing soon, too bad it didn't kill that mudblood Granger" as soon as the words left his mouth (Y/n) was on his feet and he made his way to Malfoy.

"Oh I'm sorry (Y/n) I forgot you actually cared for that mudblood, I don't know why" Malfoy didn't get to finish his thought as (Y/n) reeled back his fist and flung it into Malfoy's nose as hard as he could.

"Mr. (L/n)! The headmaster's office! Now!" Snape roared at (Y/n). He grabbed his back and skulked off to Dumbledore's office.

"Ah Mr. (L/n) it's nice to see you again, it's a shame it had to be like this. Now I thought we talked about this. I know you are angry but that does not justify violence. You won't help Hermione if you are thrown out. Do you understand me (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) looked into Dumbledore's eyes, and for the first time since Hermione was attacked he truly saw someone. "Yes sir"

"Good now given the circumstances I will not be giving you detention for this, however I am forced to taken away.... say fifty points from Gryffindor. Now I do enjoy our little talks (Y/n) however if I see you in here again I will not be able to protect you. One more incident like this and I will be forced to expel you. Do I make myself clear?"

(Y/n) nodded "now I would like to commend you on your writing, with a few lessons you could be a great poet." Dumbledore laughed as did (Y/n).

After that incident (Y/n) started to open up slightly. He still spent his free time in the library, and still slept through Lockhart's lessons, but now he actually slept during the night, although he was still plagued by nightmares.

A few days later Harry and Ron were explaining to (Y/n) that Hagrid had been arrested, and what the spiders had told them.

"First things first off I told you Hagrid was innocent!" (Y/n) shouted in triumph to Harry. "And secondly next time you two sneak off to look for giant talking spiders in the forbidden forest, INVITE ME!"

"He thought you might want to sleep" Harry said "yeah mate trust me I would've traded spots with you him a heart beat." Ron added.

(Y/n) was once again in the library. "Whatcha doing?" A dreamy voice asked from behind him , making him jump.

"What oh I'm looking into the chamber" he said quickly before returning to his book.

"You're (Y/n) aren't you? They say you're crazy" she said (Y/n) snorted in reply. "I don't think you are though" the girl continued. "I'm Luna"

"Thanks" (Y/n) said. "It's nice to meet you Luna" "if you're looking into the chamber, why are you reading a book on charms?" She asked him.

"I'm trying to figure out how to unpetrify, non-petrify, reverse petrify, Yeah we'll go with that. I'm trying to figure out how to reverse petrify the victims." (Y/n) said letting out a little laugh.

"Well why don't you work backwards?" Luna asked him. "What?" "Well why not look for what petrified them in the first place?"

(Y/n) was stunned, why hadn't he thought of that earlier. "Luna you're a genius" he sailing jumping up and running off towards the section on magical creatures.

He spent the next few days searching through the books on magical creatures until he found a book with a page torn out. "Madame Pince, Madame Pince" He said running up to her "is there another copy of this book?" He asked her out of breath.

She blinked at him and then looked at the book, and then turned to a book next to her. After a few seconds of looking through the book she turned back towards (Y/n)

"Yes it was checked out a few days ago"

"Who! Who checked it out?" He asked her hurriedly. "Please Madame Pince I need to know." She sighed. "Mr. Malfoy"

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