Chapter 6: Pixies

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After Herbology, which (Y/n) actually enjoyed for once, they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. (Y/n) moaned the whole way, much to Hermione's annoyance.

They walked into the room and Ron and Harry quickly sank into the seats nearest to the door, (Y/n) went to join them but Hermione grabbed his hand and dragged him to the front of the room. He mouthed "Help me!" To Ron and Harry who just laughed.

Hermione pulled him into the seat next to her and he slumped down and crosses his arms. "What was that for Hermione?" He asked her grumpily. "So I can keep an eye on you" she said, and before (Y/n) had a chance to protest Lockhart walked into the room with a flourish of his cloak. (Y/n) groaned loudly and banged his head into his desk. Lockhart ignored him.

He then proceeded to give a long speech bragging about how great he was and ended by saying how he didn't defeat a banshee with his smile. (Y/n) suddenly sat bolt up right and stuck his hand in the air, much to Hermione, Ron and Harry's surprise.

"Ahh my first question, yes Mr. ummm" he looked down at a sheet of paper on his desk. "He's too thick to even remember me" (Y/n) thought. "Mr. (L/n)"

"Well sir I was just wondering how you defeated that banshee" (Y/n) asked smirking slightly. "Ahh well I'm sure you've purchased my complete set of wo-" "yes yes course I have" (Y/n) cut him off "sir" he added quickly. "I just wanted your" he paused for a second "personal experience"

"Ahh well I see you wanted an inside look into my mind then? Well it was quiet easy you see I just used a combination of a cheering charm and a laughing potion. Quite easy to defeat when it comes to it, banshees. Not a real challenge for someone of my, caliber" Lockhart explained extravagantly. "I see" (Y/n) said still smirking "Well then how did you defend against the banshee, I mean its screams are deadly"

"Ahh quite simply my dear friend. I simply wore earmuffs to block out the sound of its screams you se-" (Y/n) cut him off "but sir in you book you wrote that you found the banshee by following the screams of the lost victims, now then how would you have heard them if you had earmuffs on strong enough to block out the banshee's screams sir" (Y/n) leaned back in his seat, his arms still folded, smirking as he watched the look of horror on Lockhart's face.

"Well... it's simple... I.. I" stammered Lockhart. "Well Professor?" (Y/n) said stressing the last word. "I just didn't put it in my book" Lockhart quickly snapped "it didn't seem important. I was thinking about the readers you know it would bore them" he said regaining his calm demeanor

"Then why are they part of our school book list? If you thought the specifics would bore readers, then why use it." (Y/n) said staring coldly at Lockhart. "If you cut out all the bits about how you actually defeated these creatures it's useless to us. Unless you just wanted to boost your own sales and popularity" he raised an eyebrow at Lockhart. "But what do I know I'm only a student. Isn't that right professor?" He said.

Hermione was staring at (Y/n) with anger in her eyes, as were most of the girls in the class, however most of the boys were grinning like mad men, trying to hold their laughs in.

"Yes yes there are things you don't understand Mr. (L/n)" Lockhart Said. "Of course sir" (Y/n) replied coldly. And after that interruption Lockhart continued to "teach" the class.

He hands out a "test" that only has question about himself on it. After that he pulled out a cage of "Cornish pixies!" Cried Lockhart hoping to get a reaction out of the class.

Seamus laughed at this, as did (Y/n) "they're not exactly dangerous" Said Seamus. "Say what you will but these creatures can be quite mischievous." Said Lockhart as he opened the cage. They flew everywhere wrecking havoc throughout the class room. Lockhart then pulled out his wand and tried a clearly fake spell, and then promptly lost his wand.

"Lesson over" He said quickly and started to run towards his office. (Y/n) stood up and throw one of his books at him, which hit Lockhart in the head. "(Y/n)!" Hermione scolded him. He just rolled his eyes and batted a few pixies away with another book.

"At least that git's books are good for something" (Y/n) said to Harry and Ron as he hit another pixie with it. Hermione then pulled out her wand and said "Immobulus" and the pixies froze where they were.

"God at least someone's capable of magic here" (Y/n) shouted when he saw Lockhart's head peak out of his office, a large red mark was visible on his forehead where (Y/n) had thrown his book. "Ah yes well I.. I wanted you to get some practice" He stammered. (Y/n) pick up Lockhart's wand and chucked it at him.

"How can you defend him Hermione" Ron asked her as the four of them walked out of the classroom. "Well he.. he just wanted us to get some practice" she said uneasily. "Hermione he had no idea what he was doing, he's an idiot." (Y/n) said annoyed "No he's not. And you should have thrown that book at him." She said angrily to (Y/n) "would you believe me if I told you my hand had slipped?" He asked her cautiously. She crossed her arms and stormed off.

"Nice throw though (Y/n)" Said Ron. "Not really I was aiming for his eye."

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