Chapter 2: The Burrow

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"Get up (N/n)! Dad's looking for you!" Yelled Richie. "Ugh" (Y/n) moaned as he rolled out of bed. Over the summer he had changed a bit, he's grown quiet a bit taller and he had let his hair grow longer than it was before. His hair was no longer the same as Richie's as the latter had kept the shorter style, and (Y/n) had overtaken him in height.

(Y/n) walked over to his wardrobe and pulled on the first things he found and walked down towards to kitchen. "GoodMorning (N/n)" Said his dad cheerfully "Morning" replied (Y/n) "Richie said you were looking for me"

"Ah yes do you remember what's happening today?" (Y/n) shrugged "Your leaving for the Burrow, how could you forget?" Again (Y/n) shrugged. His dad facepalmed and then told him to pack his trunk.

(Y/n) headed back up to his room and started to hastily pack his trunk, throwing books and clothes into his trunk quickly, soon he had his trunk packed. He carried it done the stairs and was soon standing by the fireplace with his trunk on one side and his dad on the other.

"Now then you remember how to use this?" His dad asked holding a pot of powder.

"Course I do" replied (Y/n) "just take a pinch and line it up on a flat surface-"

"(Y/n)" his dad said giving him a warning look.

"Joking joking" Said (Y/n) holding his hands up in a sign of surrender. "Just gotta speak clearly"

"Maybe we should wait a bit. You always sound like a troll in the morning" Said his dad with a smirk.

"Shaddup" (Y/n) replied lazily

"Proves my point" his dad muttered. (Y/n) just glared at him. "Now behave yourself (Y/n)" his dad said sternly "don't embarrass me in front of the Weasleys"

"Yeah yeah" (Y/n) took a pinch of the floo powder and tossed it into the fire, which turned green. He stepped into it, closed his eyes and said clearly "The Burrow" when he reopened them he was standing in the kitchen of the Burrow.

"Hey ya (Y/n)" came a familiar voice. Ron Weasley was standing there looking at him. He had grown since last year, he still hadn't caught up to (Y/n) yet. (Y/n) walked towards him happy to see his friend again.

Just then two more red haired boys ran down the stairs. "Are you there my dearest Ronald?" Called Ron's brother Fred.

"See what you started" Ron said to (Y/n) exasperatedly. "Fred and George found your letter and haven't let up since"

(Y/n) chucked "so my plan worked then my dearest Ronald?" Ron's checks turned red and he scowled. "Git"

"Hey Fred how's it going?"

"Fred? Fred! I'm clearly George, can't you tell (Y/n)" Fred said feigning anger.

"Fred I've got a twin, I've pulled that many times, it doesn't work on me" (Y/n) replied boredly. He gave each of them a high five, before grabbing his trunk and following Ron up the the stairs to a room.

"Here this is Bill's old room, you'll be staying here" Ron told him.

"Aww I was hoping to meet you older brothers" replied (Y/n) upset.

He spent a few days there talking with the rest of Ron's family. He met his little sister Ginny who was fun to be around, he was formally introduced to his older brother Percy. He reminded (Y/n) a bit of Ben, a real git. Then there was Mrs. Weasley who (Y/n) loved she was a lovely women and (Y/n) was always happy to help her around the house. He also met Mr. Weasley who was fanatic about muggles, he was a bit like his mother in that sense except Mr. Weasley didn't quite understand the muggle world as well as his mother. He had spent one dinner trying to explain to him the use of a rubber duck.

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