Chapter 4: The Bookstore

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Hermione and (Y/n) left the store and walked around Diagon Alley before noticing a commotion in the book store. Just then Draco and an older man walked out of the store.      (Y/n) assumed he must be Draco's dad. They walked into the store and quickly found the Weasleys.

"What was that about?" (Y/n) asked them. "Just Malfoy being a git" replied Ron. "Shame we missed it" Said (Y/n) "I've been wanting to try out some new spells."

"Here" Harry said to him handing both him and Hermione a stack of book. "What this for?" Hermione asked him. "It's your school books, and don't try to pay me back" he added as he saw (Y/n) reaching for his money sack. "You sure mate?" "I've more than enough, it's the least I can do. Plus now you'll have to help me with my homework" Harry said smugly

"Well played" (Y/n) replied to him "now let's get out of here before we have to talk to him again" Harry said jabbing a finger towards a man at the front of the shop. "Is that Gilderoy Lockhart?" Asked Hermione excitedly. Ron, Harry and (Y/n) tried to pull Hermione out of the store but she refused to budge. "Oh come on Hermione, you can see him at Hogwarts" (Y/n) tried to reason with her.

"Fine just stay her then" Said Ron hotly as he walked out of the store, with Harry following behind him. Hermione then looked to (Y/n). He sighed "I'll stay with you." Hermione's face lit up "but I'm not happy about it" he added.

"Why not?" Hermione asked him. (Y/n) shrugged "I just think Lockhart's an overrated git."

"What do you mean?" "Well there's no one who can prove he actually did all those things in his books, I mean come on Hermione how much could one wizard do? Plus if he was just doing it to help other people why would he go around bragging about everything he did."

"Well.. ummm" Hermione was at a loss of words. "Well maybe he just wanted to explain to people how to be prepared against those sort of things." Hermione said slowly not entirely sure herself. "Okay well if that was true why charge money for the books? I mean if he is as great as his books make him out to be, he could easily find work as an auror, or some other work that could help protect people." (Y/n) said calmly.

At this time they had arrived at the front of the line and Hermione handed her books to Lockhart for him to sign. "Ah now who are you miss?" He asked Hermione "ahh Hermione Granger" She replied timidly "you're going to be my teacher at Hogwarts this year" "Well I'll be looking forward to that Miss Granger, and who might you be?" Lockhart asked turning towards (Y/n).

"(Y/n) (L/n) and I've got a question for you." (Y/n) said to Lockhart. "Ah nice to meet you Mr. (L/n)."

"Well I was just wondering how you dealt with trolls" (Y/n) asked with an air of mischief in his voice. "Ah very simple Mr. (L/n) I simply hit them with a stunning spell. Quiet a versatile spell if I do say so myself. Now then-" (Y/n) cut him off "but I thought trolls had a high resistance to spells." "Ah yes well of course they do Mr. (L/n) however their eyes are susceptible to spel-" (Y/n) cut him off once again. "But in your book you write about how you snuck up behind them so how would you have hit their eyes if you were behind them?"

"Ah yes well quiet simple explanat-" "and you wrote how you were able to take down a troll before it had a chance to react, but wouldn't the other trolls have heard that troll fall? Or did that just happen to slip your mind?" (Y/n) said quiet viscously. "Well you see.... it's quiet simple.... I just I" Lockhart stammered. (Y/n) leaned over the table and close to Lockhart's ear and whispered. "I can see right through you, you fraud."

"That's enough boy" came a rough voice behind (Y/n). A large man grab onto him and pulled (Y/n) away from Lockhart, and escorted him out of the store where he met a confused Hermione. "What was all that about?" She asked (Y/n).

"Just letting Lockhart know that I've read through his books that all" (Y/n) replied with a mischievous grin. "Anyway we better go find the Weasleys before they worry." (Y/n), Harry and the Weasleys parted ways with Hermione and her parents and headed back to the Burrow.

"Come come!" Shouted Mrs. Weasley "We're going to be late" she ushered them into the flying car. Much to (Y/n)'s disappointment however they didn't not fly to the station but drove there.

"Come on come on!" Mrs. Weasley ushered them into the station and towards the train. In the confusion (Y/n) lost sight of Harry and Ron, and when he came through the other side of the barrier and onto platform nine and three quarters. He said good bye to the Weasleys, ran onto the train, and started to search for an empty compartment.

"(Y/n)! Over here" called a voice behind him. He turned around to see Hermione standing in the door of a compartment. "Where's Harry and Ron?" She asked him after he had put his trunk into the compartment.

"I don't know, I thought they were already on the train." (Y/n) said "they're probably just in another compartment" he added quickly seeing Hermione's nervous expression. She nodded at this at the two of them started to talk.

After a while Hermione got up and went to stretch her legs, and (Y/n) simply looked out the window watching the sky. "No it can't be" he thought "probably just a trick of the light, but I swear that looked like a flying car." "Whatcha looking at (Y/n)" came a voice from the doorway making (Y/n) jump in his seat and smack his head on the window.

"Oh hey Nev" he said rubbing his head "How was your summer." "Not bad" replied Neville and the two of them talked for a bit, before Hermione returned. "Oh hello Neville how are you" "I'm alright" Neville replied to her and the three of them started to talk for a bit.

"Neville have you seen Harry or Ron yet?" Hermione asked him. "No I thought they would be with you." He replied. Just then a smug voice came from the door "What's wrong lost little potty?" Malfoy was standing in the door of their compartment with Crabbe and Goyle standing next to him.

"Hey Malfoy did you have a good summer?" (Y/n) asked him cheerfully. Malfoy was taken aback by this. "What does that matter to you (L/n)" he snarled. "I was just hoping we could start again this year Malfoy. You know maybe be friends." (Y/n) replied everyone was surprised by this. Crabbe and Goyle looked like they had been confounded, Neville sat in his seat his mouth open, and Hermione was looking at (Y/n) as if she had never seen him before.

(Y/n) got up from his seat and walked over to Malfoy and pulled him into a tight hug.

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