Chapter 9: Bludger

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Today was the day of Harry's first quidditch match and (Y/n), Hermione and Ron. For some reason a bludger seemed to be following Harry wherever he went. "What's up with that bludger?" (Y/n) asked the other two pointing to the bludger.

Ron raised his wand, but Hermione grabbed his arm. "No Ron you could hit Harry" she said. "Especially with your wand" (Y/n) added. They were force to just sit and watch the events unfold.

Eventually Harry reached his hand out and caught the snitch however the bludger smashed into his arm. The three of them rushed down onto the pitch as Harry crashed onto the ground and the bludger followed him.

Hermione pulled out her wand and "Finite Incantatum" and the bludger slowed down and (Y/n) ran in front of Harry, caught it and put it back into the case.

"You alright mate?" (Y/n) asked Harry. "I think my arms broken" he said holding said arm. "We gotta get you to the hospital wing" (Y/n) said as he bent down and prepared to pick Harry up. "Not to worry" came a voice from the crowd.

"Oh no oh please no" thought (Y/n) "anyone but him" Lockhart pushed his way through the crowd. "Don't worry don't worry I can fix this" he said as he made his way to Harry. "Please don't" (Y/n) groaned. Lockhart ignored him and pulled out his wand.

To (Y/n)'s horror Harry's arm when rubbery. "Ah yes that can sometimes happen." Said Lockhart. "Good thing is your bones are not longer broken" he said rolling Harry's arm up towards his shoulder. "Broken 'e got no bones!" Hagrid bellowed at Lockhart. "Not to worry I can fix it" Said Lockhart raising his wand once more.

"I think you've done enough" (Y/n) said to Lockhart and he picked up Harry and carried him to the hospital wing.

Once Harry's bone had been regrown the four of them started work on the polyjuice potion. "First things first we're going to have to find the instructions, and the only place to get those will be in the restricted section of library" Hermione said "and we'll need a teachers signature to get in" (Y/n) added.

"Well who'd let us check out the book we need?" Ron asked. "Let me think" Said (Y/n) putting his hand to his chin. "Who's the thickest teacher here? Who'd just blindly sign anything that we put in front of them?" He asked sarcastically. "Lockhart" Ron and Harry said in unison.

The four of them, well Harry, Hermione and Ron, (Y/n) waited outside. Went to Lockhart and got his signature. "I can't believe he actually signed it" Ron said with glee. "Are you really that surprise Ron, he did get rid of Harry's bones" (Y/n) said with a laugh. This whole time Hermione kept silent, while glare at the boys.

They had found an empty bathroom, where they started brewing the potion. The only problem was it was moaning Myrtles bathroom, so they often had to listen to her crying while they worked, but at least no one would interrupt them.

The next week they found out about a new dueling club that was starting. "Who do ya think is gonna be running this?" (Y/n) asked the other three as they made their way to the first meeting. "Dunno maybe Flitwick" Ron replied as they entered the room. "Well as long as it isn't.." "Welcome, Welcome everyone" Said Lockhart. (Y/n) swore and Hermione slapped the back of his head, and glared at him.

"Given the circumstances, Dumbledore has given me permission to start this little dueling club." Lockhart gave a whole speech, but (Y/n) didn't listen to it. After that he and Professor Snape demonstrated the disarming spell.

After that Lockhart called Harry and Malfoy up to duel, and after exchanging a few spells, Malfoy conjured a snake out of the air. The snake turned towards Justin and started to move towards him, but Harry approached the snake and hissed at it. Out of the corner of    (Y/n)'s eye he saw that his brother Richie had run out of the hall.

Snape stepped in front of Harry and set the snake on fire. Hermione grabbed Harry by the wrist and dragged him out of the hall. (Y/n) and Ron followed her.

"What was that?!" Ron asked Harry sounding surprised. "What I was trying to stop the snake" Harry replied "you guys heard" "Ah So that's what that hissing was. I thought Malfoy had transfigured you into a kettle" (Y/n) said. Hermione hit his arm "not the time" she said.

"You we're speaking parseltongue! You know snake language" Ron told him. "Was I?" Harry said surprised "you think you could teach me Harry?" (Y/n) asked him. "How can I teach you, if I didn't even know I was speaking it." Harry said exasperatedly.

"Well maybe you are the heir Harry. I mean Mrs. Norris has annoyed us all and I've heard you complain about Colin" (Y/n) asked, he meant it as a joke but the others looked at him horrified. "I'm not the heir!" Harry said defensively, "sorry bad time" (Y/n) replied quietly "I'll just shut up now" "Fat chance" Said Ron.

(Y/n) slept early that night, and woke up last the next day, thankfully it was the weekend, he quickly dressed and went down stairs. "Morning Seamus" He said as he headed down the stairs "you hear the news (Y/n)" he asked him looking nervous "huh"

"Another kids been petrified, a Hufflepuff haven't heard who yet." He said quickly. "Thanks for the news Seamus" (Y/n) said as he ran out the common room "Hey where're you going (Y/n)" Seamus called after him.

(Y/n) ran into Richie on his way towards the bathroom. "Hey (Y/n) can I talk to you?" (Y/n) stopped and looked at Richie, he hadn't seen him close up in a while, and he looked terrible. He had large black circles around his eyes, and his clothes and hair were a mess. "Yeah of course, is everything okay Richie, have you been sleeping?" (Y/n) was concerned, he had never seen Richie like this before. "Yeah I'm fine.."

"You're not I can tell Richard, what's wrong?" (Y/n) cut him off. "You're going to think I'm mad but, I've uh I've been-" he started "Hey Richie what are you doing talking to him?" Came a voice from behind (Y/n). It was a group of Richie's friends. "He's my brother." Said (Y/n) bluntly.

"I didn't ask you" the Slytherin snarled "come on Richie let's go" Richie started to walk towards them but (Y/n) caught him by the arm and whisper to him "if anything is going on you can talk to me about anything alright" Richie nodded and followed his friends.

The group walked past (Y/n) and leading boy pushed (Y/n) as he passed. "Hey you know you can just say what you truly want" (Y/n) started "I mean I'd reject you, you're not really my type, but you know I'm feeling this romantic tension between us and I just wanted to break the ice."

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