'Are you ready Jin-ssi?' I asked, his face lit up and his smile spread across his face when he heard my voice call his name. 'You could call me Oppa, adding -ssi sounds way too formal.' Jin laughed. 'Okay, Jin-Oppa.' I bashfully replied. Jin sat in the seat and quickly began my work once again. Taehyung walked over a few minutes later struggling with his accessories and he stood patiently. I put down the straighteners I was using on Jin's hair and turned around to help fix Taehyung's accessories. 'Sorry one second, Jin-Oppa.' I smiled at him and Jin nodded grinning ear to ear in the mirror at me.

'How's my sister's cooking?' I whispered to him. 'Amazing! I'm going to tell Ran I owe you lunch and that she makes sure you get something.' Taehyung replied with a hushed tone. 'Do you know what kind of food Hoseok likes, he's not eaten either, I'll get him something when I get something for myself.' I asked him. Taehyung's eyes watched me carefully 'Kimchi. Anything traditional really, just not spicy.' Taehyung informed me. 'Thank you. Do you want anything else?' I raised my eyebrow and he shook his head. 'Thank you Haewon, I mean it.' Taehyung seemed genuinely shocked by my actions. 

I turned back to Jin and he looked up at me as I carried on with his hair. I could see Taehyung going off to chat with Jimin and Hoseok. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but their eyes fell on me slowly one by one. I nervously fidgeted and looked away blushing heavily. The work station next to me belonged to Seoyeon, she did both makeup and hair. Jungkook was sitting quietly in his chair while Seoyeon styled his hair listening to Jin talk to him about where they were hoping to go for their next Bon Voyage trip.

'Bon Voyage? What's that?' I asked, hoping to try and get to know them better. 'Oh. It's a reality show where we spend a week on holiday abroad somewhere, we have a budget for the week, get a bit of freedom, do fun things. I was hoping we'd get to go to Italy, their food is amazing.' Jin was almost drooling from the thought. 'I wouldn't mind exploring America more, like Florida or LA more. New Zealand was extraordinary, I really enjoyed our trip there last time.' Jungkook suggested. 'The theme parks in Florida are my favourite, I love Universal Studios and Disney. Have you ever been?' I asked excitedly. Jungkook turned to face me suddenly his shy and nervous expression transformed into a bright smile that glowed back at me. 'You like theme parks?' He asked. I nodded back enthusiastically 'I don't like the small rides, it's got to be something that gets the adrenaline going.' I told him and Jungkook nodded in agreement.

Even with my fear of tall buildings strangely I wasn't phased by rollercoasters, I felt free, almost as if I was flying. I was obsessed with everything to do with theme parks, it was that nostalgic sense of youth I would always enjoy. My family had often made trips to America, Florida had always been one of my favourite family holiday's.

'Wow, get a room.' Jin teased. Soyeon coughed expressing her annoyance and Jungkook turned back around so she could carry on as she moved to do his makeup. 'I do like the idea of going to surf again the beaches in Florida are meant to be picturesque.' Jin sighed at the thought, 'Oh you surf? Are you any good?' I asked innocently but Jin took it as I was teasing him. 'I'll show you one time. Your knees will go weak, I'm that good.' Jin winked at me. Jungkook and I both rolled our eyes and laughed as we saw each other copy the other's actions. 'Whatever you say Hyung.' Jungkook grinned as Jin leant across and hit him playfully. 'The nerve, you brat.' Jin sighed in annoyance. 

I finished Jin's hair and makeup and handed him his clothes. 'I'm going to grab some lunch quickly while everyone else is still getting ready for the shoot. If anyone asks where I am. Do you want anything, Jin-Oppa?' I asked but he shook his head. 'Take your time, we don't start for another 30 minutes, you're so quick at getting us ready.' Jin praised me. 'It's because I have such an easy canvas to work on.' I joked back and he smiled soaking up the praise.

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