Why Is My Life So Crazy?

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Sayaka's POV:

What. The. Hell??? Are you kidding me? I tried so hard to get the president to even notice me and this girl just waltzes in and 'steals her heart'? Within days???

"No!" I whispered from my spot just outside the door. "This can't be happening!" I turned to the side, my back hitting the wall harshly. I slid down it, wrought with despair at the thought of her with my beloved Kirari. 

I heard them walking towards the door, so I rushed to the room across the hall, not caring or even noticing if anyone else was in there. I'm pretty sure they didn't notice me, but I can never be sure with the president. It seemed as though she was escorting that bitch outside, so of course, I followed them. 

They were talking outside of the school for much longer than I would've wanted them to, whilst I was hiding inside, my blood boiling just seeing them together. Why did the president have to choose her? What does she have that I don't?

While I was absorbed in my own thoughts, Kirari was just heading back inside to get her things. I had hardly any time to hide from her before she opened the door, but luckily I managed. Once I was sure she wouldn't hear me, I ran outside to confront her.

Your POV:

Wow. I never actually thought I'd have the guts to do that. But I did, and it was so worth it. She held my hand as she walked me down the halls, and it took all of my self-control to prevent myself from literally skipping down the hallway because I was so fucking happy. 

We talked outside for a little bit before I left, mostly about how I was improving on my gambling skills and what different games I'd like to try next. It was pleasant, and it seemed to flow better than our previous conversations because I didn't have to hide my obvious attraction to her. Or at least try to. She's a literal genius so I'm sure she saw right through me. 

We said our goodbyes, and she headed back inside to get her things before she went home. I left, the happiest I'd ever been. Goddamn, just being around her is euphoric. I was too wrapped up in my own head to notice that there was someone running after me. 

"HEY!" I heard. I turned around, bewildered, because I didn't recognize the voice at all. I pointed at myself, unsure if it was directed at me, even though there was literally no one else around. As the person got closer I realized it was Sayaka. 

"Oh. Hey," I replied. She didn't say anything back, and instead just kept coming closer and closer to me. I backed up a little bit, getting more and more nervous the closer she got. She looked unbelievably pissed off. Oh shit. Is this because I'm with Kirari?

Before I had any time to react to my sudden realization, I felt a burst of pain on my face. And it stung. A lot. 

"What the fuck was that for?!?!" I yelled. She still didn't say anything, and upon closer inspection I realized she was crying. And because I have no sense in my head whatsoever, my dumbass went to comfort her even though she had just slapped me in the face. "Hey," I said softly. "Are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around her, because that was the only thing I could think of and I suck at comforting people. She tensed up a little at first, but soon melted into the hug and broke down. 

"I-I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I just got so jealous of you. I love her so much and she doesn't even notice me." I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down a little. As much as I know that it's good to let it out, I didn't really want to be soaked on my way back home. 

"Shhh," I said. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay. I'm really sorry about this, I didn't know any better. I swear if I knew I wouldn't have done anything." 

That, of course, was a lie. Yeah, I knew, but in the moment I kind of forgot and it was easier to just tell her that because it's not like it should've been any of my business anyway. 

I pulled away from the hug and instead put my hands on her shoulders. "Look, I completely understand if you hate me, but I don't hate you, and if you want we can try to be friends. Okay?"

She wiped her face and nodded. "Yeah, I think I can do that," she whispered. 

"Okay. Do you want me to walk you back inside?" I asked. 

"No. I think I just need to be alone now," she said. So I gave her a small smile and walked away.

Well that was a fucking emotional rollercoaster.

A/N: yay!!!!! i finally updated!!!!!!! also holy shit why does this have 1k reads. anyway yeah so there's your sayaka drama, i hope you enjoyed and i'll try to update a little faster but school fucking hates me so that's not very likely. we love mental illness. love you all<3

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