Closer To Me

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Jesus. I knew my girlfriend was crazy, but this is on a whole other level. 

"If you want things to stay the same, win," she told me. 

"Okay clearly you aren't getting this: I don't care about the system, I care about you! Do you understand what could happen to you because of this?" She seemed surprised by my response, but then her face softened into a smile as she said,

"I didn't realize that was why. That's very sweet of you, (Y/n)." Of course, this made me blush like crazy. "But, I never said I wouldn't be participating in the election myself." Oh. Right. She's the best gambler here, maybe tied with Yumeko though. That makes things a little less scary. 

"Right. Okay, good," I said, clearly relieved. 

Most of the other members had started heading out. I guess they weren't going to have a meeting at all today. Which, honestly, was better for me because I wanted to spend at least a little bit of time with Kirari before things got too crazy. 

I was pretty sure Sayaka also picked up on this because she got up to leave soon after I thought of it. I told her she could stay because I kind of felt bad, but she insisted, so eventually it was just Kirari and I. Until I noticed that Runa was still in the room. Kirari also saw this, and took it upon herself to fix it. 

"Ahem," She cleared her throat, causing Runa to look up from her game for once. 

"Ohhhh I get it. I'll leave you two alone then," she said suggestively. 

"Oh, shut up! It's not like that," I defended. 

"Sure." She wiggled her eyebrows at me before leaving. Great. Now I'm more flustered than I was before. 

Kirari stood up and led me over to the couches, and unlike the times before, it wasn't to gamble. 

"Look. I know things will start to get kind of crazy now, so I wanted to spend a little time with you before I can't anymore," she said. 

"O-oh. Okay." So I sat down next to her. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Nothing in particular, but I certainly wouldn't mind if you sat a little closer to me," she smirked. I obliged and moved closer to her. Seeing as I likely wouldn't get very many chances to do this in the near future, I rested my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around me, and we stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company in peace and quiet. 

A/N: so i had literally zero ideas so here's a short chapter with some fluffy shit cause why not. also hOw iS tHiS aT 2k rEaDs????? thank you guys so much for the love!!

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