Oh, So That's Who She Was

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Kirari's POV:

I kept an eye on (Y/n) to see what she might do, but there weren't any transfers to her account and she certainly hasn't become a house pet. The last I'd heard about her was that she'd befriended Yumeko Jabami, which intrigued me greatly. But as it turns out, she hasn't done a thing! Is she biding her time, trying to throw me off? I can't tell what she's going to do, and it's very exciting. There are very few people I struggle to understand, and her being one of them is very special. I'll see you soon, I'm quite sure of that at least. 

Your POV:

After many strange events involving Yumeko gambling her life and the rest of us being worried sick about her, she told me she wanted to gamble against the president of the student council. That sounded pretty dangerous to me, considering that the president had to be the best gambler in the whole school, but I guess that's Yumeko for you. There's nothing any of us can do to stop her from gambling to her heart's content, and believe me, we've tried. So. Many. Times. 

"The president? Really? That's pretty risky, even for you, Yumeko," I told her. 

She got that sparkle in her eyes again and exclaimed, "I know, right? Isn't it wonderful?"

I sighed, and said, "Maybe for you, but not for my dumbass. You know I can't gamble for shit and that I don't want to anyway."

"I know..." She gets kind of sad whenever I can't relate to her addiction, and even more upset when I put myself down. Sorry Yumeko, that's a habit even therapy hasn't been able to break. 

"What does the president even look like, anyway? I've never seen her."

"Oh! Well, she has blue eyes, gray hair that she puts into these loop-braid-thingies, and she wears blue lipstick," said Yumeko. Holy. Shit. I ran into the president on my first day? But she seemed so normal. And pretty. Stop it, (Y/n)! That's not what you need to focus on right now! This is not the time to be ultra gay!!

I tried to calm myself down before asking, "So... when are you going to do it?" She brightened up even more at this, as I was taking an interest in her only passion. 

"Well, I want it to be as soon as possible, so we agreed that it would be later today!" she mused. I want to see the president again, so I guess I might as well watch when she does. 

"Do you think I could come with you? Even though I don't like to gamble myself, I think it'd be pretty interesting to watch," I told her. 

"Of course, (Y/n)! I'd love to have you with me!"

After that, I met up with Itsuki and Mary to get ready for the gamble. Mary and I had told Itsuki that Yumeko wouldn't want to cheat, but she didn't listen and brought almost all of her things. When we asked her what she was doing to prepare and offered her Itsuki's cheats, she declined just as I knew she would. So we headed to the location they had specified and prepared to watch a legendary event at Hyakkao Academy. 

We arrived, and as soon as I stepped into the room, I felt the president's eyes shift immediately to my own. Which of course, caused me to start blushing like crazy. She's extremely intimidating, which is also kind of hot? I don't know, I'm gay panicking! 

I just barely registered the rules of the game they'd be playing, called "the Tarot Cards of Fate". What caught my attention, though, was the stakes of the gamble. One of them would have to leave Hyakkao for good? I don't think I'd be able to handle that! And before I knew it, they'd already started playing, while Mary, Itsuki, and I were stuck up on the balcony, being half-supervised by that tiny little girl on the student council, Runa. 

Kirari drew a 21 right away, which was the highest value. Oh no, Yumeko might lose! After Kirari had her turn, Yumeko drew a 1. That's not good. Yumeko's fate now rested in Ryota's hands, and Ryota was not very good at gambling. 

That's when Mary pointed out a chip of blue nail polish on one of the cards. The only card the president had touched was the one that ensured Yumeko's victory! Though to me, it seemed a little too obvious to be the right card. Mary and Itsuki still tried to notify Ryota, but they were threatened by Runa before coming to the same conclusion as I had. 

Ryota noticed the card anyway and was going to choose it before also realizing that it was way too easy to spot and it had to be a trick. Yumeko eventually convinced him to choose randomly, and he ended up choosing a 20, meaning the game ended in a tie. Thank god, neither of them have to leave! 

The game ended on rather friendly terms, and when I was about to follow my friends out, the president invited me to come with her. So, with my near inability to say no, especially to my crush, I followed her.

We went to the student council's office, and she offered me some tea before making a very sudden and very strange proposition.

"Would you like to join the student council?" What??!? No way. I can't! 

"I don't think so, and for two reasons: one, I don't even know your name! And two, I've never gambled before in my life. There's no way I'd even be allowed on the student council!" She seemed rather surprised at my outburst, and then revised her previous statement. 

"Well then, my name is Kirari Momobami, and seeing as you've never gambled before, I'd like to teach you," she said.

"You what??"

She smirked, and then said, "I've taken quite an interest in you, (Y/n), and for one special reason. I don't understand you at all. That's very rare for someone like me, so you should feel honored. And as for my request to teach you how to gamble? There's another reason for that." She got up out of her seat and walked over to me, lifting my chin up to her face, so close that our lips were almost touching. 

"You have potential." I was blushing furiously. What does this mean? Does she like me? Is she gonna kiss me?? She then shoved her knee between my legs and leaned closer, whispering in my ear, "Don't waste it," before walking away, leaving me bewildered and quite honestly very turned on. 

"What the fuck just happened????" I breathed. Finally, I returned to my senses and ran after her. "Kirari! Wait!" She turned around, looking very amused.


"I accept your offer!" I panted. "Teach me how to gamble!"

"Very good. I'll see you here tomorrow," she said, and walked over to Sayaka, who was waiting for her by the doors. That was fucking awesome.

A/N: so yeah, that happened. if you were confused by the low-quality recap of their gamble, it was because you were mostly focused on other things. i think i'll include some tension w/ yumeko later, because why not. also this has over 1000 words again, which i was not expecting. for those of you who read this, thanks! honestly the fact that even one person is reading this gives me more than enough motivation to keep writing, so if you want more bug me about it! 

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