I Hate School

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Monday finally rolled around and I was not happy about it. Regular school is bad enough as it is, but a gambling school? How could my life get any worse? Actually wait no, shut up (Y/n), you don't wanna know. You do not need to kickstart your anxiety right now. 

I put on the school's uniform for the first time, and it's actually not that bad. But is it supposed to make my tits look that big? I hope it's not that noticeable. Oh well, it's not like I can really do anything about it at this point. So I finished getting ready, hoping that maybe the first day wouldn't be so horrible. 

We arrived at Hyakkao pretty early so that Haru could be with his friends before class started. For whatever reason, my parents also assumed that I would be attempting to socialize as well. No idea where that came from. Instead, I put my headphones in and listened to music to distract myself from the chaos all around me. 

Eventually, I noticed that everyone had started heading to class, so I picked up my things and tried to find my classroom. That didn't go so well, and I ended up being very lost and very late. I was wandering around the halls, trying to find someone to give me directions. I turned a corner and suddenly I was on the ground, my stuff spilled all over. 

"Shit!" I said, before realizing that the person I bumped into could've been a teacher. Thankfully, it wasn't. Instead, the person I had bumped into was a girl with gray hair, blue eyes, and... blue lipstick? An interesting choice if I do say so myself. I sat there staring at her for a while, mesmerized by her immense beauty. 

She looked down at me and asked, "Are you alright?" Fuck. I've just been sitting here staring at her. What do I say?? 

"Oh! Uh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming, I hope you aren't mad at me," I said, flustered beyond belief. 

"No, I'm not mad at you. Although I was wondering why you aren't in class?" I could say the same to you.

"Uhh, I'm kinda new here, and I got lost. Do you know where the, uh, "Flower Class" is?" I asked her while gathering my stuff. She didn't say anything, and instead took my free hand and pulled me up. 

"Come. I'll walk you there." She started walking back the way she had come from, still holding my hand. 

"Oh, um, okay." Once I had caught up to her enough to be walking side by side, she let go of my hand. I wasn't all that surprised when I realized I kind of missed it. Of course my gay ass would miss holding a pretty girl's hand. 

"So, you're new here?"

"Yeah, I am. Oh, by the way, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)," I told her. 

"It's nice to meet you," she said, and stopped at the classroom on our left. "This is the correct classroom, yes?"

I looked at my schedule before nodding. "Yeah, I think so."

She gave me a small smile before telling me, "Like I said, it was nice meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again."

I returned her smile brightly and said, "Yeah, me too!" I turned to open the door, and when I looked back, she had already disappeared. So I turned the handle and stepped inside. 

"Oh, yes, and by the looks of it, here she is now," said a lady who I presumed to be my teacher. Everyone in the classroom turned to look at me. Oh fuck. Goddammit! Why did she call even more attention to me? "I assume you got lost, right? That's okay, but why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

I closed the door and walked nervously to the front of the room. I swallowed thickly before saying, "Hi, my name's (Y/n) (L/n), and I just moved here. It's, uh..... it's nice to meet you all." The teacher directed me to the only open seat and proceeded to start her lecture. I didn't pay attention to it, as I was too busy thinking about that girl who showed me here. I didn't even get her name!

Kirari's POV:

Hmm... (Y/n) (L/n). I wonder how you're going to affect my precious garden. Will you lose yourself to my system or break free from it completely? I can't wait to find out.

"Madam President? You asked for me?"

I broke out of my inner ramblings and looked up at her. "Ah, yes, Sayaka. Could you bring me the file on (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"Oh, yes ma'am. Right away!" She turned and scurried out of the room to go retrieve it. Sooner than I'd expected, she had returned and handed me the file. 

"That is all, Sayaka. You can leave now," I told her. Let's see... recently moved to Japan, living with her mother's brother and his wife. Clinically diagnosed with depression and is on anti-depressants. Depression? That's always interesting. I've never quite understood those who suffer from functional mental illness. It should make for an interesting gamble were I to go up against her. Though of course, I doubt she'd even care. She did seem rather anxious when I spoke to her earlier, even though I'm certain she had no idea who I was. It was quite refreshing to be unknown. She's pretty cute when she's flustered. Oh? That's new. 

In my surprise, I had managed to knock over my tea. It made quite the mess. Sayaka, of course, had heard and came rushing back in to clean it up. Though I had never asked her to, she seemed to enjoy cleaning up after me, and I had no complaints. 

"Ah, (Y/n). What are you doing to me?" I murmured. 

"President? Did you say something?" Sayaka inquired. I looked over at her, she seemed very concerned. Of course she would know that something is different with me. 

"It was nothing, Sayaka. Don't worry about it," I assured her. It seems you've already made a mess of me, (Y/n). I wonder what other chaos you might bring about?

A/N: woo! over a thousand words! also hey, we got kirari and you interacting ;). i hope she's not too ooc, i tried my best. should i have more of the story be in kirari's pov or no? for those of you who are for some reason reading this, thanks! it means a lot <3

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