What's Up With Yumeko?

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Haru and I spent practically the whole night going over different games and which combination of cards would get you a win. I, of course, retained almost nothing from our little study session, so I wound up coming to school prepared to make a fool of myself in front of my crush anyway. 

I purposefully dissociated throughout my first set of classes, and when it came to my attention that I should be leaving for lunch, I rushed to our table, my brain nearly recreating everything I'd thought about while waiting on Haru last night. But this time, it had a fun little twist: the Leg Bounce(TM). 

Mary was the first one to show up, and she regarded my presence with a little half-nod, and then proceeded to try to take a nap on the table. Not too long after, Itsuki and Yumeko showed up giggling with Ryota trailing along behind them, being very awkward. Once they all sat down, I cleared my throat, preparing to have a likely very weird conversation. However, before I could say anything, Itsuki said,

"Hey, (Y/n). I noticed you weren't with us after the gamble yesterday? Where were you?" The two others murmured in agreement, with Ryota adding,

"Yeah, I was pretty worried about you, (Y/n). Why didn't you say anything?" Yumeko stayed quiet throughout this, which was rather strange for her. 

"Oh, well..., it's kind of a long story," I said, clasping my hands together nervously. 

"Well, we don't have all day! Spill!" Mary instructed me. 

"Okay, um, after you guys finished gambling and were walking out the door, I was about to follow you when the president told me to follow her instead. So I did, and she led me to the student council's office and asked me to join." The three seemed very intrigued by this, except for Yumeko, who was still looking down at her lap, not reacting in the slightest. "I said no, obviously, but then she offered to teach me how instead! And because she's pretty and I'm very gay, I said yes to that one." 

"Wait, so the president of the student council offered to teach you how to gamble??" asked Ryota. 

"Yeah, I know, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, too," I told him. 

"More like trying to wrap your legs around her head!" said Mary. I smiled at her and said,

"I mean, you're not wrong." Ryota got very embarrassed by our comments and told us to stop saying lewd things, but then Yumeko stood up, surprising the rest of us. 

"(Y/n), can I talk to you alone, please?" she said, motioning to the hallway. 

"Uh... sure," I replied, more than a little confused by her request. But, I got up and followed her out into the empty hallway. 

Once she was sure the others wouldn't be able to hear us, she stopped and turned to face me. 

"So... what'd you want to talk to me about?" I asked her. 

"Why did the president say that?" I blanched, certainly not expecting this out of all things. 

"She said it was because she couldn't understand me, and that made me interesting. I'm not sure why," I told her. 

"I guess that makes sense, after all I think we understand each other perfectly rather than being exact opposites..." she mumbled to herself. "But if you wanted to learn how to gamble, why didn't you just ask me to teach you?"

"Oh, um..." First I thought she was jealous that I get to gamble with the president a lot, but now it seems like she's jealous that Kirari gets to spend time with me and she doesn't. What is going on? "Well, I don't really care too much about gambling itself, but I met Kirari on my first day here and kind of ended up having a crush on her, so it was more a matter of me getting to spend time with her than wanting to learn," I said. Yumeko nodded at this and walked back inside the lunchroom, with me following pretty close behind. 

Yumeko's POV:

I did notice the president staring at her quite a bit when we were gambling yesterday, but now she's offered to teach (Y/n) how to gamble? And they're on first-name basis? Why do they get to spend time with each other without me? And why does she have to take (Y/n) away from me? I thought that I had been interested in her for longer, but it seems the president has me beat on this one. What do I do to tip the balance in my favor?

A/N: so i didn't do the session in this one either because i ended up making the lunch scene too long, but that is, again, in progress and on its way. sorry if this was a disappointment, i just had too much that i wanted to include before the session. i'll try to get that part in later tonight, but it might have to be tomorrow morning. again, thanks for reading this, it really means a lot!

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