|43| Love Triangle

256 11 7

To Earth,

you love the Sun, don't you?
an unconditional sort of love
that can obliterate even the darkest of sorrows
when you two unite.

warmth and happiness blossom,
you don't just smile through your lips
your whole being smiles and sighs
in relief when the Sun rises.

you ask her, "what took you so long?"
before she engulfs you in her arms
and you can't see past her light
and you've never felt so obnoxiously, superficially radiant
and yet so...thirsty

for more.

but you never tell me that.

not when I sneak up on you at night
whispering sweet nothings in your ears,
kissing you awake.

not when the most nefarious of your desires
tumble out of the dingy, webbed corners of your head.

not when it dawns upon you
how you're free to embrace
both your light
and your dark
when I'm by your side.

you'll never tell me
you crave for me too
and how Sun's blinding light
always reminds you of my more subdued rendition.

your world will continue to revolve around hers
and mine, around yours.

so I'll continue visiting you in silence.
my demands always restrained,
never overstaying my welcome,
leaving before you wake up.

because I know you'll always
love her
and I'll always fall shy
of being good enough.

Yours in quiet,

A/N: hi, did you like it? or not? I know I don't usually post author's notes but I genuinely want to know what you guys think of the poems I've uploaded recently. so please lemme know? :)

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