Benson leaned in closer and moved his nose upward to get a better look into my eyes. I could see the hairs up his nose, that's how close he got. Once Emma was hurrying back with the lit torch I moved away from Benson and waited for the two to see in a better light. Emma reached down and lifted the bottom hem of my shirt quickly. I couldn't move fast enough to bat her hands away until the bottom of my shirt was up halfway. Benson shined the flame closely between us, heating my skin intensely.

"Well, I'll be damned." he shuddered, moving the light up and down the space between us.

"What?" I ask. Emma's hand stopped me from looking down but I could still see just fine.

There, between my chest where my lungs would be was the largest clump of rashes spreading out among my skin. I took my shirt from Emma's hand and scooted forward to take it off and over my head completely. Emma bumped backward and fell onto her butt with his eyes wide and bright. 

"What the hell?" I gasp, moving my shoulders around to see the heated flesh all the way down my arms. I was so hot at this moment that one touch made me itch incredibly.

"What kind of rash is that?" Emma squealed, pulling at Benson's belt that held the first aid kit. Benson just sat there and shook his head.

"God knows how long that's been spreading." He mumbled before standing up and pulling Emma with him. "We need to head back to the beach."

"No!" I jumped.

The two backed away from me slowly as I attempted to stand again. Emma crouched close to Benson's right arm as he held the flame out between us with his right. I finally got to my feet and tossed my shirt back over my head.

"We have to keep looking for Charlotte and Ashton." I looked at Emma, hoping she would be the one to back me up. The look across her face shocked me. 

Her best friend was out there alone and she was more terrified of me?

"But Tyson we can't." She spoke softly.

I adjusted my shirt around my waist and scratched at my thigh. Benson kicked his leg out and hit my hand away. I hadn't realized the rash was even down my legs. "We need to get you back to the beach. Ashton and Charlotte, they're together." He said, "The beach is our safe spot, they are probably there right now waiting for us."

My stomach growled and I looked over my shoulder towards the unlit path. Everything at night made it harder. It was my fault those two got themselves lost and it upsets me that it had to of been Charlotte out there. After a while of racking the possibilities in my head, Benson finally took action into his own hands.

My neck was strained as his hands came up and held me down. I wrestled a bit of him off of me until my muscles were too slow to fight back. Everything suddenly itched incredibly and I was back down to my knees. I looked up and Emma had the torch in her hands as she bent down to scoop me up by one arm. Benson grabbed my other arm and began pulling me through the dirt. Emma had the hardest time keeping the same height as Benson as the two dragged me forward on my knees. After a while I hung my head low in defeat, thinking of things better than itching.

 [Charlotte Kendall]

When we were just hours within our hike back to the beach you could tell we were getting close just by the change in scenery. Halfway through the jungle Ashton set me down to let his arms rest but quickly let me back up once Brandon offered to carry me next. This time around Ashton had me on his back, piggybacking to the beach the rest of the way. I know he was tired of it, he practically carried me for at least two hours straight. However, I thought it was kind of him to care that much.

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