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One Year Later
[Ashton Irwin]

This hill kept me away from my post traumatic stress. The symptoms would always come and go in the evening before bed, my most anxious time. The hill over the city somehow helped relax my short nerves before I would head home from work altogether. I could just sit up here for hours and watch the dull traffic lights turn into bright colors that lit up the entire sky. When night comes around in LA there are never any stars but that's okay, because the stars reminded me of the island. So up here I couldn't see the stars or the island. . . I could see the city lights and I could see her within them.

I was the only one up here today, sitting on the hood of my car and minding my own business. I folded my hands out in front of me and listened to the humming silence of the trees behind me. Most people would think that the silence was torture but I lived through torture and silence was never apart of it. On days, after work and after sitting up here till dark when I am back at home, we would turn on the telly for simple background noise. Even in bed now I can't go to sleep without a white noise. That was never me before the island, but again the island changed me and her.

In the streets below there was a loud shriek followed by the sound of ambulance racing the air. I didn't flinch, it was a sound I heard pretty much every night. I tilted my head up towards the sky and watched a bit of the clouds change colors. The frightening familiar yellow brought me back to that island. My head spun and I squeezed my eyes shut before burying my face into my sweaty palms. Every time this happened to me it was either a good or bad memory and yet, so far today everything reminded me of the good.


The lagoon's water peaked with its perfect colors at noon. I had my feet dangling from the rocks, tapping my toes lightly to the crystal surface. I was alone out here, just admiring the nature for once. No matter how much everyone else hated being here, I actually enjoyed the aspect and idea of wild. It was better than being alone in a white walled room.

"Are you going to jump in?" I turned around with a sudden fright at the voice below me. Charlotte jumped back, scaring herself a bit too. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She said, clutching her hand to her chest. Her pink lips curled slightly on the corners as she tried her best to hide her growing smile.

She was slightly sunburn on the shoulders and you could see the white flesh in straight lines where her sundress would normally rest. I just looked down at her from the rocks and began to admire her beauty instead of the jungle's. She smiled halfheartedly again before dipping her head down to tuck some hair behind her ear. As she did so her perfectly pink scar shined at me directly. I sucked in my bottom lip and tried to avoid the guilt I had for her. I still had the dangerous and realistic dreams every night but now they consisted of her instead of anyone else I admired once in my lifetime. Ever since I hit her in my sleep walk everyone on this island has me under lock and key. But little do they know I don't  actually sleep anymore.

"What are you staring at?" She laughed a little and I blinked from my thoughts. I quickly look away and scratch the back of my neck before ruffling a bit of my hairs on the bottom.

I took another peak back at her and she was still smiling. Her lips curled back slightly and her teeth showed for a second before she closed her lips together again, "Would it be appropriate to tell you the truth?" I smile back.

"Depends. . ." She tested me.

I pulled my feet up onto the rock that I was sitting on and tucked my knees into my chest. Charlotte walked over closer with her hands hidden behind her back as she batted her eyelashes at me playfully. My heart pounded just at that small gesture, "Then it's you. I'll always be staring at you." I play my confession off as a joke.

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