Chapter Twenty-five

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'Wake up,' the smooth voice caressed me.

I rolled over, feeling the soft furs stroke my cheek. I burrowed my face against them, appreciating the warmth in my exhaustion. A hand gently combed my hair from my face. I turned into it as he wiped away a stray tear. My eyes batted open immediately.

'You?' I breathed, scurrying back from the darkness.

The shadows reached forward and pulled me closer. His touch was cool and silky. 'I could feel your sadness from leagues away,' he explained, sorrow lacing his words.

The silver eyes were large with worry. I let him pull me to him on the furs, crushing me against his cool chest.

'Let me see you,' I whispered, worried that he might react angrily to my brazen demand.

'Not yet.'


'I'm here to support you, to mentor you, to help you change the world. It shouldn't matter who I am or what I look like.'

'It matters to me, if I'm to trust you.'

We sat atop the obsidian pillar. I could tell from the cold air and the tranquillity of the darkness. He thought silently while he cradled me. I remained still in his arms, afraid to recoil.

'It isn't necessary, or appropriate.'

'Now I'm frightened,' I countered, despite feeling the opposite. I pushed against him until I faced him. 'I don't even know if you are human.'

His grey eyes were conflicted. He took a deep breath and the darkness that swirled around me retracted, flowing up into his sleeves as his arms were revealed. He wore a rich purple shirt, buttoned at his wrists. His black trousers were uninteresting, but he was, at least, human.

I reached up to his eyes, his face still shrouded in swirling darkness. 'You haven't finished,' I whispered.

He reached out and took my hands from him, laying them in my lap gently.

'Another time,' he stated. I knew better than to argue.

'Why have you brought me here again?' I asked coldly, rising to my feet.

He stood, following my every movement with his bright eyes. 'I thought that you needed someone,' he offered nervously.

'I've never needed anyone,' I blurted, alarmed by his sincerity. 'Don't assume that you can whisk me away and solve my problems.'

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