Chapter 6 legends never die

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we are in danger. We need to run." "wait what's coming?" it flew over to ace. I booked it when i saw a shadow bigger than a horse and looked like a beast, i ran to the tree ace was sleeping on "ace!!!" no response "ACE!!"no response i don't think he can hear me i started climbing. I heard it, the beast, i cried for ace but no response i swear to irene i needed to get to him without falling, if i fall that thing will be greeting me at the bottom.i heard a cracking noise it was the branch i was on, maybe if i break the branch and get to a stronger branch quick enough it will make that thing go unconscious but if im not fast enough i could die unless someone sees me and ace, i had to think fast the branch and  about to snap in half, i jumped and the branch fell and went through the beast, i screamed, my mother and her guard came, they saw me and ace on the branch, my mother also saw the beast the guard didn't see it my mother told him to get the head guard. My mother took out her wings and flew up to us, soon later the head guard came and he saw it too, ace was confused, apparently he couldn't see it. "Mom what do we do, that thing is going to kill us." "it's not a thing, it's a nightmare" i could tell that even she was scared "mom? wait a nightmare. Doesn't that mean we can get rid of it." "Yes dear, i have to ask you to do something ace." "yes your highness" " go to the nearest guard stand and get its weapon and helmet and put on the helmet and come back and help your father, oh and get ava a weapon to." "What about you, my queen?" "I need to retrieve something." Ace went to follow my mother's orders and my mother flew inside. Ace had a sword and the axe from earlier. He finally knew what we were fighting. He threw the axe toward me I dodged it (thankfully),the axe had hit my long hair turning the tips darker with crimson.i pulled the axe off my hair cutting my hair half its length then I noticed something on the handle it said " fight with the soul, not with the strength." I heard something it told me to fight, I felt something inside my soul it was my soul's song, the song I recognized it, it was called "legends never die" my eyes started to glow my wings grew larger, my horns gave off a stronger aura too. Then I blacked out, next thing I knew was i was in aces arms on the ground and he had this necklace and i did too. "Ava! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Can you hear me?!?" "ace calm down im fine." "your hair its..." "what is there something wrong with my hair?" "the tips are crimson, and your scar it's like your pupil is part of the scar now cause your pupil is as red as your scar." "what!?!" I got up and went to the nearest reflection. My eye, it was like I could see the souls with it. I saw my mother in the reflection, "mother? Why do I see souls?"

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