chapter 4 the "new friend"

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I woke up with a start, there was pain, i couldn't see and i heard people saying "what were you thinking of taking on an eliet criminal that was an expert in swordsmanship your lucky that guard came!!!" I could tell exactly who that was, it was my father i could tell by his tone if i weren't his daughter i would have been executed " dear your lucky ace saw you, both." both? The guard i didnt even think about him until now, and wait did she say ace, there goes making a good impression. "Yeah thanks to you two of our best guards are injured you lucky one did not die!!!" "dear don't be harsh on her she just wanted to..." "wanted to what!?!" they both stared at me "why did you do that child." "i-i i saw him taking your crowns and i had to do something." "oh it was something alright." i heard the soft voice from the tree he was the one that caught me, i started to worry that he'd hate me "are you alright sir." i said trying to sound stronger than the clumsy idiot i am "yeah i just got bruises, the other guard however had worse luck than me, he is the one you should be asking." "ok is he awake then so i can apologize." "im afraid not deary" then i realized, i got beat up pretty bad, how long have i been out for a day, a week, a month?!? "You've been out for a few weeks dear we got worried.'' So that's how long. "They said they would take off the bandages tomorrow but im getting a personal guard for you incase your vision is still blurry and for protection." "ugh, mom." "don't ugh me my child, now your guard is going to be the head guards son ace." "yes mother.'' Wait did she just say head guards son!?! This is gonna be a long ride. I couldn't believe that my crush was my personal guard, not to mention the incident at the tree and throne room. I tried not to embarrass myself when they took the bandages off, they said I would be blind but i can see perfectly not to mention my eye its different my pupil it looks like a wolf or a dragon eye i thought it was cool but my parents made me hide the left side of my face with my hair, and as for me and ace he let me start training with him, and he said he wouldn't go easy on me but that's ok i want it to be hard and since he's the heads son, his are extra hard he said to me once after the first time we duled "you got a lotta heart and your really tough but you need work" i mean i know i'm tough i fought a eliet criminal im just not good with axes. I'm better with my hands so he gave me a dagger with his name on it. "Take good care of it ok?" "got it". And the days we didn't train I made him take dance class with me,

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