what does fuck mean?

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As they sat around the fairly large kitchen, Taehyung poked at Sarang's cheeks which made her giggle. It reminded him of his own, like bread.

"I wish she was my daughter." Taehyung frowned and put a cookie into his mouth before continuing to poke the baby's cheeks.

Seokjin choked on his juice with wide eyes, "calm down you're like seventeen."

"Obviously he means in the future, right Taehyungie?" Jungkook asks from across him.

Taehyung shakes his head and says, "no I mean right now," with all seriousness.

Namjoon shook his head and disagreed with the younger boy. What a crazy guy, he thought in his head.

"You're outta your mind if you want a child now. It's bizarre, it's like saying I'm ugly." Seokjin says in between coughs.

Jimin patted Seokjin's back as he was still slightly coughing from his juice.

"This is enough snacks for now right? Are we having dinner here too?" Hoseok questioned as he finally sat down from putting together the snacks.

Namjoon shrugged and told him he wasn't sure because it depended if their teacher would come back at the time she said she would.

"I mean, why would she come back after eight though? Isn't it just a restaurant?" Jimin asks as he leans against the counter, placing chips in his mouth slowly.

"Just in case they decide to fuck after."

"Yoongi hyung what did we say about swearing!" Jungkook screamed as he glared at the elder.

Minhyuk's head looked up from his plate of snacks and said, "what does fuck mean?"

Yoongi laughed and gave the little boy a thumbs up, "you'll find out eventually kid."

Seokjin shook his head and grabbed empty plates and used napkins, cleaning up after his younger friends.

"When everyone's done, go back into the living room. I don't wanna be bothered while I wash the dishes." Seokjin said as he threw away the last of the napkins.

Jimin snorted, "you just don't want us to come at you for looking at your reflection in the plates."

Seokjin waited until Minhyuk left the room with the others before sticking his middle finger at Jimin.

"Let's half the dishes, hyung. You do the first half then I'll continue after." Was what Jimin said before leaving the kitchen.

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