animal crackers

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Taehyung dragged his Gucci slides across the floor and walked into the classroom ten minutes late while carrying a reusable grocery bag. The teacher sighs and takes a seat back at her desk.

"Late again, Taehyung. What's the reason this time?" She asked as she typed on her computer.

It was the last class of the day, the teacher couldn't wait to hear another one of his silly excuses.

The boy turned to his younger friend who sat at the front and gave him his famous boxy smile, "Jungkookie asked me to get him snacks."

Taehyung held the bag up and pointed a finger at Jungkook with his eyebrows raised.

Jungkook gasped in shock that who-he-thought was his friend, exposed him in front of all the ladies. His cheeks turned pink and he shook his head, "I didn't! Why would you say that, Taehyungie?" Then he put his head down in disbelief.

"You did. You texted me this morning and said, hyung please get me those animal crackers we ate last week at your house."

Jungkook kept his head down as he could feel his ears burning up.

"You guys are literal babies." A voice is heard from the back of the classroom. It was Seokjin, the third out of seven boys in the classroom.

Jungkook turned around to give him a dirty look but the boy was staring at himself with a compact mirror.

The teacher cleared her throat to stop all the side talks and laughs. She stood up from her desk and signaled for Taehyung to take his seat, "that's enough class. How about we go over grades because the semester will be over soon, and some of us need to get our grades up."

The fourth boy giggled from his seat on the far left, "Yoongi-ah, look! Jungkook's ears are so red!" His loud voice boomed through the room.

"Hoseok, please just shut the fuck up. I've been trying to take a nap since class began, but you keep talking to me like I care about what you have to say." Was heard from the side of him.

Hoseok rolled his eyes but a smile still remained on his face. After a while of Hoseok obeying the angry boy and kept his mouth shut, the boy sat up and turned to Hoseok, "you're breathing too loud."

"Yoongi-ah woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Hoseok laughed loudly and looked around the room to see if anyone joined him.

The teacher grabbed a ruler and hit her desk with it several times which caught everyones attention. "I said enough! Everyone grab your mirrors from the shelf and just clean your eyebrows. You all need it anyway."

Seokjin stood up, "excuse me, I don't know who you think you are saying that I need to clean my eyebrows, but you shouldn't be talking."

"I think that's a bit out of hand." The boy called Namjoon said as he pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose.

"You're not fooling anyone with those dumbass glasses, Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon gasped as he ran a hand through his inky hair before taking his glasses off and shoving it in his pocket.

"I think you're wrong about that, Seokjin hyung. He looks smart!" Jimin said and cleaned the rubbish from his eyebrows. He looked at himself one more time in the mirror before making eye contact with Seokjin.

Seokjin let out a laugh, "when and where the fuck did I ask for your opinion, Jimin?"

As the three of them argued, Hoseok and Yoongi were also bickering over Hoseok's loud mouth.

"Do you just not want me to breathe?" Hoseok huffed as he threw a paper ball at the angry boy next to him.

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Besides all the ruckus the five of them started, the two other boys were in their own world.

"Can I have my crackers now, hyung?" Jungkook asked with pleading eyes. He reached over his desk to peek into the bag Taehyung had with him.

Taehyung nodded his head and reached into the bag. He handed his friend a pink and a yellow bag. "What's this yellow one?" Jungkook asked as he ripped it open.

"I thought you would want some jellies."

Seokjin's eyes scanned the room, "did someone say jellies?"

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