"Or not." Came the dark voice from above Peter. He cringed and wiped his pale hands over his face before turning to face Eric. "You know if you have a problem with the way I train people just say it to my face. Seen as Candor are so honest I would of thought it was easy for you." Eric snarled leaning in closer. He was about to say something else before his slim blue-grey eyes caught his initiate stifling a laugh. Eric walked slowly round the edge of the table not breaking his icy eyes away from her. He knelt down beside her, resting his arms on the table to look directly in her eyes. She smirks at him, looking him directly in his eyes as well, taunting him. It was working on him. Her flirtatious methods and wildly captivating eyes intimidated him. But he refused to let that show. He needed to make her feel that way.

"Is this amusing to you, initiate?" He asked threateningly, testing the boundaries of her anger. Taura definitely found this amusing.

"It's really good to see you again, Coulter." She told him playfully, a large grin on her face.

"You didn't answer my question." Eric snarled, a flame inside of him starting to spark. From the corner of his eye he could pick out Four watching him intensely, but keeping an eye on Taura more.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah I do." She grinned at him watching his jaw muscles clench and a red ring encase his pupil.

"Care to tell me what's so amusing to you?" Eric growled, his eyes darkening.

"Well I don't know about you, but that's pretty funny!" She chuckled shoving her palm in his face. Eric scowled, not breaking their stare. Never had someone had the audacity to disparage him like that. Taura's smug grin was still plastered on her face; the fake innocence caused anger to cloud his mind. Swiftly, Eric grabbed the hand, pinning it to her back causing her to land face first on the wooden table.

"Eric! That's enough!" Four shouted loudly causing the canteen to fall silent.

"Shut it four!" Eric snarled and leaned into Taura, "you put your hand on me again and I will ruin you." Eric spat, clenching her wrist tighter. Taura chuckled under her breath.

He's stronger than I thought. Shit.

"Let her go." Four stated calmly after watching her wrist begin to go purple...

"I'm not a baby anymore Four. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself and this piss take." She remarked, rolling her eyes playfully at him. Another hand slammed into the back of neck in an attempt to stop her from speaking - or breathing.

"You're the only one looking like a piss take right now, smart mouth!" Eric growled in her ear.

"You were so wrong about him being unpredictable..." She sighed, smirking at Four who was watching Eric cautiously. After letting out another exasperated sigh, she swung at him. Using her free arm, she reached over and pulled his hand off her neck by twisting his at an awkward angle. Eric cried out in pain, letting go of his restraint on her other arm. He became disorientated: startled by the small girls incredible strength. Before Eric could react, Taura's foot goes flying into his chest sending him crashing into the table behind him. Laughs and cheers could be heard as crowds of dauntless members surrounded the two, egging them to continue. Eric valued power and he wasn't going to let that be taken away by a Amity girl. Standing up again, he began to send his fist towards her face but it was quickly slapped away by Taura. He swung again, however was beaten to it by Taura, who sent her fist into his nose at full force. Once again, Eric stumbled backwards into the table. He stared at the young girl in shock and anger as he wiped away a string of blood trickling from his right nostril.

How's that for 'piss take' ?

"Taura!" Four called stepping in between the pair, preventing them from further injury. "That's enough, okay." He told her firmly before guiding her away from the scene.

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