Chapter 13: Mistaking

Start from the beginning


            A voice jolts me out of my miserable thoughts, and I turn to see a hand on my shoulder. Following up the arm connected to the hand, I see Zayn smiling down at me, and my heart skips a beat for some reason, my throat running dry.

            “Hey, want to help Harry and I bake some cookies?” He smiles before chuckling. “Originally, Niall was going to help, but then he started eating all the ingredients before we even started.” 

            Swallowing, I manage a smile and nod. “I’d love to." 


            “Harry!” I laugh. “Stop it!” 

            Harry only continues to splash me with the soapy dishwater, grinning madly. “Scared of a little water Dana?” He teases.

            At that moment, Zayn walks back into the kitchen after serving some of the cookies to everyone else. He frowns for a moment before he understands the scene, and his face instantly splits into a grin to match Harry’s. 

            “Zayn, don’t!” I warn, backing up just as Zayn takes the spray nozzle from the sink and presses down on the handle from the back, spraying me with twenty times the amount of water Harry was. 

            The two of them laugh like crazy, Harry doubling over, his body shaking. 

            “Unfair!” I protest when they finally stop, dripping wet. “I’m all wet now!”

            Harry’s smile turns to a smirk. “Are you?” He asks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

            “HARRY!” I cry, rolling my eyes and smiling slightly at his dirty mind. 

            Zayn shoots Harry a nasty glare, one that’s practically screaming protectiveness. Though he should lighten up a bit, I can’t blame him, if a guy said that to my sister, I wouldn’t like it either. 

            “I’m going to go change,” I announce, sensing the mild tension beginning to form in the room, even with Harry’s bashful apology. 

            A couple hours later, once I shower, change, and hang around in my room for a bit, I return downstairs, to find everyone scattered throughout the dining room, living room, and kitchen.

            “Hey,” Zayn comes over and grins, before pulling me into a light hug and kissing the top of my head.

            My heart suddenly begins racing when Zayn wraps his arms around me, and his lips meet my head. A slight shiver runs through my body, and my heart thumps erratically in my chest.

            This feeling isn’t from nerves, or from discomfort. In fact, it’s more like… affection. 

            Oh hell, I can’t think like this. During the storm is when I last felt this, what is going on? This isn’t even remotely appropriate, having a crush- or whatever this is- on your own brother isn’t okay! 

            “I need a breath,” I gasp suddenly, pulling myself from Zayn’s arms and rushing across the rooms to the patio door. Ripping it open with much more force than necessary, I step outside and inhale deeply, thankful for the sting of cold air. Secretly, I can’t help but hope that the freezing cold will slap some sense into me.

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